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Background to the study
Integrated science  is an exact and a core science subject in Nigerian secondary schools. Its teaching often requires creativity and improvisation. To make integrated science  concepts comprehensible to students, integrated science teachers must employ creative teaching methods and be prepared to respond to queries and explain concepts in an atypical manner (Nbina, 2012). The widespread poor performance and the negative attitude towards  intehrated science in junior secondary school students have largely been ascribed to lack of proper teaching methods. Teachers who adapt appropriate improvisation materials in teaching  integrated science will likely be more successful in imparting science knowledge to the novice  in their classes. Samba and Eriba (2011) see improvisation as the act of using alternative materials and resources to facilitate instructions whenever there is lack or shortage of specific first hand teaching aids. The authors see improvisation as the choice of the best instructional material which enables the teacher to achieve some carefully specified educational objectives. Stiggins (2008) added that there are various methods used to increase class participation and performance among students.
Science is the foundation upon which the bulk of present day technological break through is built. Nowadays, nations al
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Statement of the Problem
The Nigeria vision 20-20-20 will be in mirage if the poor academic performance of students in sciences is not check on time. The researchers observed that memorization of facts have replaced experimentation in some of Nigerian schools. Hence, technological advancement and breakthrough remain a hope of many decades to come.
Dependency on expensive imported standard materials that are always deficient in supply, which also makes students to view science as a foreign concept that should be memorized rather than understood, is the worry of this research. This is made manifest in poor achievement and low interest in science generally, and in integrated science particularly among secondary school students in Ikere Ekiti. Considering the role of science and technology in the development of any nation and more so in a country considered to be developing like Nigeria. Science educators believe that achievement of students at their full potentials and sustained interest in science especially integrated science, could be a function of appropriate lesson delivery techniques on one hand, but also of the relevance, adequacy and applicability of the materials and equipment upon which science lessons must be based.
The present researcher therefore investigated the  effect of real and improvised materials on the academic perofmance of students in integrated science. The findings of this study will thus provide answers to questions such as:  Does students taught with improvised materials performance better than students taught with real instructional materials?, What are the effect of real instructional material on students academic performance  in integrated science?  What are effect of improvise instructional material on students academic performance in integrated science?

Objective of the study
The major objective of this study is to investigate the comparative effect of real and improvised materials on academic performance in integrated science, with special references to Ikere Local Government Area of Ondo State.
            The specific objective is
i.                    To  compare if students taught with improvised materials performance better than students taught with real instructional materials.
ii.                 To determine the effect of real instructional material on students academic performance
iii.               To investigate the effect of improvise instructional material on students academic performance in integrated science
iv.               To determine the attitude of students towards the use of improvised and real instructional material in learning integrated science
v.                  To investigate the attitude of integrated science teacher towards the use of improvise and real instructional materials in teaching and learning integrated science
Research Question
i.                    Does students taught with improvised materials performance better than students taught with real instructional materials? 
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