1.1 Background of the study
Basically, bureaucracy involves hierarchical placement of jobs and responsibilities in a planned and rational manner and guided by such internal rules and regulations to overcome the mixing of personal interests with official functions/roles (Ozor, 2004). The Regulation also defines the tasks of members and how they carry out their official functions on the basis of formal structures and authorities. Simply put, bureaucracy is a formal administrative structure with distinct operational characteristics that include the division of labor, the hierarchy of authority, impersonality, rationality, neutrality, and the system of rules among others (Ezeani, 2006). Bureaucracy is often heard and used in connection with the conduct of public affairs and the activities of public officials; who are generally known as public officials responsible for government agencies. To these sets of worker bureaucracies appear clearly unavoidable due to the related labor activities that are broad hierarchical structures involved in labor management, divided labor responsibilities and complex bureaucratic practices associated with modern organizations (Adebayo, 2007) In ideal situations, bureaucracy is known and sought after primarily for its reliability, efficiency, speed, reliability and effectiveness in policy implementation. This is really happening, to a very reasonable extent, in developed countries. In developing countries, such as Nigeria, however, the bureaucracy obviously seems far from such that its operations and activities are very fraught with challenges arising from the existence of negative factors and circumstances. Bureaucracy, according to Max Weber, the acclaimed father of modern bureaucracy, is a must for modern organization. It regulates the work done between many people, with different responsibilities and tasks through rules and regulations, in an upward hierarchical relationship that acts as a control. A policy framework is a logical structure established to organize the documentation of policy groups and categories that makes it easier for employees to find and understand the content of various policy documents. Strategic frameworks can also be used to assist in planning and policy development for an organization. With this in mind, this study is empirically anchored to suggest a policy framework to improve bureaucratic efficiency by using Edo State Egor local government as a case study.
1.Statement of the probelm
Bureaucracy with its formal design has been adopted in Nigeria in order to maximize the efficiency of administration and service delivery. A fully developed bureaucracy has the advantage of bringing precision, ambiguity, continuity, unity, strict subordination and reduction of friction and costs in an administrative process. It also implies that with its application in the context of Nigeria, increased productivity and development were the desired expectations of its citizens (Onah, 2011). An obvious quagmire in existing local government is the inefficiency of existing bureaucratic processes. The obvious and unnecessary bureaucratic bottlenecks in these government agencies require appropriate changes and a better bureaucratic framework. In the Nigerian local government system, for example, the labor band movement and the participation of political elites in the administration of the LGS are problematic. The red carpet of bureaucracy produces corruption. (Abiola, 2006). Employees become lazy and "drag their foot" in the work for which they are paid, causing unnecessary delays. Changing models of local government instruments further reinforce the order in which rules and regulations work, and workers are plunged into uncertainty about what a new administration might want to emphasize. Bureaucracy is not rational as Weber said in this case; it would be more convenient to say that irrationality orders it. If human beings are to do their work according to the rules and regulations practiced in " an organization, surely rationality would be questioned. The conditions that would evolve would have dehumanizing effects both in the use of the human intellect and in self-esteem. It is on the basis of the above that this study is motivated to suggest a policy framework to improve bureaucratic efficiency by using the Egor local government of Edo State as a case study.
problem statement
Bureaucracy with its formal design has been adopted in Nigeria in order to maximize the efficiency of administration and service delivery. A fully developed bureaucracy has the advantage of bringing precision, ambiguity, continuity, unity, strict subordination and reduction of friction and costs in an administrative process. It also implies that with its application in the context of Nigeria, increased productivity and development were the desired expectations of its citizens (Onah, 2011).
An obvious quagmire in existing local government is the inefficiency of existing bureaucratic processes. The obvious and unnecessary bureaucratic bottlenecks in these government agencies require appropriate changes and a better bureaucratic framework. In the Nigerian local government system, for example, the labor band movement and the participation of political elites in the administration of the LGS are problematic. The red carpet of bureaucracy produces corruption. (Abiola, 2006). Employees become lazy and "drag their foot" in the work for which they are paid, causing unnecessary delays. Changing models of local government instruments further reinforce the order in which rules and regulations work, and workers are plunged into uncertainty about what a new administration might want to emphasize. Bureaucracy is not rational as Weber said in this case; it would be more convenient to say that irrationality orders it. If human beings are to do their work according to the rules and regulations practiced in " an organization, surely rationality would be questioned. The conditions that would evolve would have dehumanizing effects both in the use of the human intellect and in self-esteem. It is on the basis of the above that this study is motivated to suggest a policy framework to improve bureaucratic efficiency by using the Egor local government of Edo State as a case study.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The broad objective of this study is to proffer a policy framework for improving bureaucratic effectiveness in Egor local government of Edo state. In line with this, the following specific objectives will be actualized:
1. To examine the existing problems surrounding the bureaucratic process in Egor local government of Edo state.
2. To suggest a policy framework that will improve bureaucratic effectiveness in Egor local government of Edo state.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions will guide this study:
1. What are the existing problems surrounding the bureaucratic process in Egor local government of Edo state?
2. Which policy framework will improve bureaucratic effectiveness in Egor local government of Edo state?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The primary significance of this study is that it will reveal the existing bureaucratic process in the local government administration and thus suggest a more functional and better policy framework that will improve the effectiveness of bureaucracy.
Another significance of this study lies in the fact that it will serve as a guide to both policy planners and implementators on the mechanisms of checkmating excessive abuse of power by public office holders, in Egor local government area.
Equally this will help in bringing good policies that will yield to the completion of projects embarked upon by any government agency especially the local governments.
Again, it will become a stimuli and basis for future research in the field.
Finally, Scholars, policy planners and implementators including the general public whose aim is geared toward improving their research desire as well as transforming the society will find the work relevant.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The focus of this study is to suggest a policy framework for improving bureaucratic effectiveness. This study used Egor local government of Edo state as the study given that the aforementioned local government has a functional bureaucratic scenario suitable for the study.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
No research by nature is free from some delimitation that may creep in to compromise the quality and reliability of the study. In the course of this study, the researcher encountered two major threats.
Distance: This is an obvious threat to the researcher given that the distance between Edo state and the researcher’s school of residence is significant. However, the researcher stationed a representative in the human personnel department of the local government to obtain vital information concerning the local government. This is done through phone calls and email communication. However, during the time of questionnaire distribution, the researcher will have to visit the local government herself so as to obtain needed information from the respondents.
Financial Constraints: Money by nature is relatively scarce; this carrying out a study of this nature requires enormous financial demands. This was really a threat to the researcher. To overcome this, the researcher adopted a cost minimization strategy by engaging in optimal expenditure concerning the project and also soliciting for financial assistance from friends and family.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Bureaucracy: This is a system made up of an excessively complicated administrative procedure.
Framework: In the context of this study, this is defined as a supporting structure around which something can be built.
Policy: This is seen as a set of ideas, or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions.
Local Government: This is defined as Government at the local level exercised through representative council established by law to exercise specific powers within defined areas.