Background of the Study

 Mathematics  is scientific and behavioral discipline so every country has integrated it as a compulsorily subject in school education. It is valuable in our each life events. Generally we can found five characteristics of understanding mathematical concepts as introducing a problem using a realistic context, identifying the main objects of the problem, using appropriate social interaction and teacher intervention to refine the models of the problem, encouraging the process of reinvention as the problem develops and focusing on the connections and aspects of  Mathematics . It is necessary to developed technical and cognitive proficiency of  Mathematics  teachers. Algebra, Analysis, Topology, Mathematical Logic, numerical analysis and discrete  Mathematics  are the area of modern  Mathematics . All sciences and other disciplines like psychology, sociology, philosophy, epistemology, pedagogy, curriculum studies and science are based on  Mathematics  directly and indirectly (Stacey, 2004). ICT is sympathetic for collaborative and individual learning (Shunaq, 2002). Hence this discipline is more important in our daily activities. ICT supports  Mathematics  for composing, revising, editing, publishing, calculating, making connections, visualizing data, finding importance, synthesizing and problem solving. Varieties of notations, formulae, symbols, figures and graphs are available in  Mathematics  which are really difficult to demonstrate in blackboard/whiteboard like 2D and 3D figures, graphs and chart, transformation of objects and other associative matters. By ICT related applications, tools and software such matter can be taught expressively. Pupils use to come to  Mathematics  lessons with expectations about how they might apply ICT to move their own learning forward.  Mathematics  teachers will not need to teach ICT capability but can exploit new chances for apprentices to apply and advance the competence that they previously have, to improve their learning in  Mathematics .

 Mathematics  is       basic  substance    of      each   technologies         and    technologies support       Mathematics        teaching. Outcome of computer technology on education is superior in  Mathematics  than in any other discipline (Aydın, 2005).

Technology develops abstract ideas for teachers by which they can build students prior knowledge, abilities and skills, links to the materials with mathematical concepts, address common understandings and introduce more advanced ideas (CTLI, 2007). The quality of mathematical software packages has been improving rapidly; however technology is still marginally integrated into education at all levels (Lavicza, 2008). ICT helps to teach mathematical facts, skills, knowledge, concepts and recover their mathematical understanding more effectively besides it helps to upsurge the capability of students and teachers. It comforts the individuals to organize, present and treat their mechanism and transfer their inference with others. “Technology is essential in teaching and learning  Mathematics ; it influences the  Mathematics  that is taught and enhances students’ learning” (NCTM, 2000). Pedagogical shift of technology engenders new teaching approaches to expand students’ conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and strategic competence in  Mathematics .  ICT  makes   Mathematics  teaching healthier  and  helps to increase the  achievement  of students (Safder et al., 2011; Gera & Verma, 2012). So every teacher has to use related technological tools, application and software for effective and meaningful learning of  Mathematics . Rendall (2001) found ICT assisted teaching is more effective in raising the arithmetical and logical skills in  Mathematics .

Statement of the Problem

          A key requirement for the future is the need to prepare students to participate in the information society, where knowledge is the most crucial factor in the social and the economic development of a country .The adoption of new Information and Communication Technology has led to significant changes in both the structure and the functionality of education. The introduction of new technologies led to the development and dissemination of Electronic learning (e-learning) and thereby offering a new dimension to the provision and content of education.  

The research observed that many secondary schools lack basic knowledge of  Information and Communication Technology due to inadequate ICT facilities among  Mathematics   student which prevent student from using some  Mathematics   software package. Due to this problems, the researcher has decided to  examine how ICT influence students academic performance .

Purpose of the Study

          The main purpose of the study is to examine the impact of ICT  in teaching and learning of   Mathematics  in    secondary in Ado Local government Area of Ekiti State

 The specific objective  is;

i.                   To determine the impact of ICT tools on students academic performance in  Mathematics  

ii.                 To find out the uses of ICT    on teaching and learning  of  Mathematics   

iii.              To examine the challenges encountered in ICT tools in teaching and learning of  Mathematics   in Ado Local Government Area of Ekiti State.

Research Questions

          For the purpose of this study, the following research questions are raised.

iv.              What are the effect of ICT tools on students academic performance?

v.                 What are the uses of ICT  tools on teaching and learning  of  Mathematics  ?

vi.              What are the challenges encountered in ICT tools in teaching and learning of  Mathematics   in Ado Local Government Area of Ekiti State?

Significance of the Study

          It is a clear fact that the world we live in today is ICT compliant and only those that are ICT oriented will survive and be relevant in the information environment and the world at large. Therefore, the findings of this research work will make the students see the benefit of surfing the internet for class assignment. Introduction of  ICT will also improve students’ academic performance.

It will also help in producing quality secondary school graduate, with the application of ICT student will discover new  Mathematics   packages, principle, and concept that  would enhance their academic performance.

          It will help parents to know the importance of ICT in students’ academic performance and see reasons why they should buy some of the facilities for their children.

          Information and Communication Technology will aid information retrieval and research communication for the society at large.

Delimitation of the Study

This study will be restricted to four (4) public secondary schools within Ado Local Government Area of Ekiti State. The study will consist of one hundred twenty (120) respondents among from selected secondary school in the local government.



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