The economic problem facing Nigeria today has affected all the spheres of life. This economic problem has a tremendous effect on the educational system which rests solely and heavily on government subventions. Poor financing no doubt, affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational system if Nigeria.
For example, facilities and equipment necessary in school are lacking, payment of teachers salaries is irregular, promotion of staff are higher delayed and in most cases suspended, staff development programmes, in services, training, conference, seminar etc and other fringe benefits like car loan have been stopped staff residential gutters, are completely unbearable etc the above mentioned deficiencies are as a result of inadequate funding.
The situation is discouraged and demoralizing thus constituting adverse effects on students and economics teachers’ performance or productivity. The problem of decreasing motivation of economic teachers could only be curbed by a skillful administration that knows how best to motivate economic teacher by using incentives, participation in school administration becomes important factor to employ to ensure commitment of economic teachers to the schools goal.
In Nigeria today and perhaps in Africa, school management problems arre becoming numerous and more complex. As a result of constant struggles of economics Teachers, Economic teachers should be co-operated in the process of policy making and school management by the school principal.
But presently, there seems to be a revolution as a result of the awareness brought about by the high level of academic qualifications and professionalism.
In any given establishment, workers must be sufficiently motivated for them to put in their best. They need to be satisfied with their conditions of services, good prospects for upward mobility advancement or promotions, high morals, a series of importance, acceptance and belonging and above all the level of their involvement in the management of their schools. An institutional establishment or school consisting of disgruntled workers who felt they are were involved in the life of their organizations s its way of collapse. It is before an essential task for administration to ensure that all times, the workers are well motivated committed to the achievement of the objectives of the establishment.
Having discussed on the meaning and effects of Economic teachers motivations, let us discussed briefly education and academic performances of secondary schools students in Economic.
According to advanced learners Dictionary of Current English, education simply means the systematic training and instructions especially of the young in schools, college or knowledge and ability development of character and mental power resulting from such training to pass examination. It is designed to train the body and soul so as to be useful to oneself, ones family and the entire society. No wonder t he Federal Government of Nigeria sees educations as a National development. Therefore, the role of education is necessary/prominent in weathering in socio – economic, political, technological and scientific revival in a nation.
Secondary education occupies a prominent place in Nigeria educational ladder. It aims at preparing graduates of the level for useful living and preparing them for higher education. It equally serves as a link between primary and post secondary level of education (Ayodele1997). Education as engine of growth has created awareness most especially the role of secondary schools education in the entire education system. This has prompted various government to deviate a sizeable Proportion of their resources to the sector. For instance, over N 8 billion was allocated to the educational sector in the fourth national development plan (2004 – 2013).
In 1999, 7.68% of the entire budget of the former Ondo State allocates N 95.4 million representing 25.9% of sect oral allocation of education to secondary education. There is need for adequate financial provision to ensure adequate provision of human and physical/materials resources for the entire system. Resources are very vital for the success of any educational enterprise. It has been clearly pointed out that resources could make or mar a country’s entire educational system. Cookey, (1970) the world development report (1980) asserted that casual observation and small scales studies have long suggested that poor training o teachers and inadequate schools facilities lead to poor educational results. In an empirical study, Ibukun (1987) found out that unfavourable resources – situation exists in Ondo state secondary schools and that this availability was significantly related to school success.
While commenting on the indispensability of educational resources, NERC (Nigeria Educational Research Council) Emphasized the need for the provision of the right human resources, qualified teachers, guidance councilors and supervision/inspectors, the importance of the provision of physical/material resources, class room, libraries and financial resources provision. In the fourth National Development plan (1981) the government promised to lay necessary emphasis on the provision of school facilities, classrooms, libraries, administrative buildings, inexpensive and locally produced textbooks in economic with a view of giving each child the full opportunity to develop his intellectual and working capabilities. This fact was equally recognized by the world development report (1980) that increasing availability of textbooks is the most consistent and effective away of raining education standards.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This research work is to find out the relationship between two or more variables as was described b Kerloger (1973). However, attention shall focus on two main variables in this study, teachers and secondary school student academy performances.
In the past, teachers were catered for, apart from their normal salaries, they have opportunity and knowledge to run business, also the leave bonus palliatives, car loan, housing loan etc were given to them.
In addition, the profession was accorded with high prestige and respect than other teachers in the school. Hence students of that time have the fear of their teachers in heart and as a result of that they were highly committed to their studies, consequently upon this good grades like distinction, credit, pass were achieved or obtained in secondary school and hence students are able to further their education to higher institutions of learning like the college of Education, Polytechnics, and the universities.
The prevailing decline in the standard of education has been limited partly to the recurring poor performance of students in external examination like the senior secondary certificates (SSCE) and general certificate examination (GCE) inadequate and uneven distribution of material resources resulting from rights and motivations could be the dominant factors responsible for this.
The problem of this is to examine whether there is a relationship between teacher motivation and secondary students academic performance
The objective of this study is to ascertain the relationship between teacher motivation and secondary schools student s academic performances.
The study will identify the root effect of the teacher motivation and secondary schools students academic performances including the administrative level of motivation.
The following questions have been generated for this research work:
- What has been the level of secondary school students academic performance in Akoko North West Local Government Area Ondo State?
- What is the level of teacher motivation for job perforce in secondary schools in Akoko North West Local Government Area of Ondo State
- Is there any relationship between teachers motivation and students’ academic performances in economics in old school as well as in new schools
- Do students in any form contribute to the level of their performance in public examination?
- Are there variations in motivation level of teachers with regards to sex, age, qualification and experience?
1.5 Significant of the Study
As earlier stated, our patriarchs in the teaching profession have enjoyed various incentives, hence, the tremendous success recorded in the academic performance of the student in past. Despite limited personnel and inadequate physical resources. The future pf any nation rest solely on the type,level and form of teachers in the respective school across the nation and the performance and future of individual citizens of A NATION is a broken on the teacher of the schools in the nation. Hence, for country to develop economically ,industrially and to maintain higher internationally relation ,such country must be educationally proficient. That is to say, the future of any nation deepends heavily on teacher, hence economics is most important to the level of secondary school students academic performance.
It is therefore important to investigate the state of teacher motivation and it relationship with the students academic performance.
It is also hoped that the result of this study wil provide teachers” employers(the government) educational pannals and other government parastatals including principals of schools with the necessary information and data in respect of the level of teacher motivation and its effect on academic performance .This will serve as a useful guide on the need to and means of improving the wellbeing of teachers in the school system.
It is also believed that the study would revealed the degree of importance associated with motivation of teachers with respect to the level of students academic performance.
1.6 Delimitation Of The Study
The coverage of this study is limited to Akoko North West Local Government Area of Ondo State of Nigeria just because of the financial problems .There are twenty-nine secondary schools in Akoko North West Local Government Area but all twenty-nine of the secondary schools in this Local Government were used ,among the secondary schools in this Local Government were nine private schools hence the schools of this study will be restricted to the level of teachers motivation and the academic performance of secondary school students in economics in nine schools.
1.7 Definition Of Terms
- Motivation: motivation is a general term to describe the drives ,desires ,needs and forces that move an individual towards the achievement of goals of a group.Hence,teachers motivation can be described as the drives,needs,desires and forces that move teachers toward the achievement of their goals.
- Students Academic Performance:- the school have gone in achievement its primary objectives as measure by the performance of student in the final year examinations such as the senior secondary school certificate(SSCE).
- Government parastatals: This is that or section, carried out to control,administer and manage effectively certain areas of government administration e.g .ministry of education.
- SSCE:- Senior Secondary School Certificate examination .This is one of the final year examination in senior secondary school level.
- G.C.E:-General Certificate Examiation.