Title page                                                                                        
Approval page                                                                                
Table of content                                                                               
1.0     CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION                                           
1.1     Background of the study                                                               
1.2     Statement of the problem                                                              
1.3     Research Question                                                                  
1.4     Research hypothesis                                                               
1.5     Significance of the study                                                                  
1.6     Delimitation of the study                                                               
1.7     Limitation of the study                                                           
1.8     Definition of major study                                                                 
2.1     Conceptual framework                                                           
2.2     Attitude of teachers and students toward ICT                                 
2.3     Relevance of ICT in Education                                                       
2.4     Negative Influence of ICT in education                                  
2.5     Suggested strategies for ICT influence in
 Ekiti State Secondary schools                                                         
2.6     Summary of Literature review                                                
3.1     Research Design                                                                     
3.2     Population of the study                                                          
3.3     Sample and sampling techniques                                           
3.4     Research Instrument                                                             
3.5     Validity of Research Instrument                                             
3.6     Reliability of Research Instrument                                         
3.7     Administration of Research Instrument                                
3.8     Data Analysis                                                                        
INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS                                      
4.1     Presentation of result                                                             
5.0     CHAPTER V: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION                         
 AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                                       
5.1     Summary                                                                                
5.2     Conclusion                                                                             
5.3     Implications of the study                                                                 
5.4     Recommendations                                                                            
5.5     Suggestions for further research                                                      
The purpose of this study was to investigate the negative influence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on the academic activities of senior secondary school in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. Four null hypothesis were posited and tested at 0.05 level of significance using the chi square method. A well validated Twenty items questionnaire were designed using the Likert Scale method and administered to a randomized sample of Two hundred teachers and students and from four secondary schools in the study area. This analysis of questionnaire revealed, there is negative influence on the significant of ICT on academic activities of Senior Secondary school student in Ikere Local Government Area. Based on findings it was recommended that Ekiti State should provide a functional resources centres, in secondary schools, and also Ikere Local Government area in general. Also, there should be provision of ICT training programme for teachers in the school to enhance skills in improvisation. Furthermore, the government should provide ICT facilities in the school to promote teaching and learning in secondary schools.

1.0                                           INTRODUCTION
1.1     Background to the Study
          Today’s secondary schools without any doubt require administrators or leaders who can get at, interpret appropriately and favourably disposed to the knowledge of ICT so as to ensure their effective job performance.
          Information and Communication Technology (ICT) evolved from the quest for faster and easier management of enormous information available to users. Thus, ICT is very essential for the generation of quality information and management of that information is required for effective decision making. ICT components include as identified by Ayeni (2004) prints media, electronic media, telephone, telex, e-mail fax and computers.
          ICT in the words of Aboderin (2009) also encompasses the broad fields of information and communication by means of computer and telecommunication; tools that are being increasingly used for organization or personal information processing in all sectors of economy and the society as a whole. The advent of ICT brings all the citizen of this planet close together. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has permeated all nooks and crannies of our society. It has revolutionized the society and, also factor demands corresponding changes in the education sector in line with societal changes (Mbakwen & Okeke, 2007).
          ICT is further viewed as the combination of computer and telecommunication system to improve the quality of research, teaching, learning and communication through its gathering, processing, storing, connecting, analysizing data functions and dissemination of information. ICT has successfully made fundamental changes in the way and manner many people do business and also communicate, secondary school and administrators inclusive.
          It has drastically revolutionized business patterns and structures, work habits and interpersonal relationship within an organization. (Mbakwem, 2006). However most of the developing world lack access to the physical infrastructure through which much of the new knowledge could be enjoyed or utilized, for instance lack of electricity is a major problem confronting the use of ICT facilities, (Obada & Adenike, 2008). In stating the obvious, Aderibigbe (2008) opined that the world is undergoing a  major social and economic change through the new information processing technology of communication and computers. Also, Uwadia (2009) emphasized that ICT serves as a tool for increases productivity and effective decision making. For instance the knowledge of ICT can be explored by the secondary school to ensure teachers effective of services, effective communication, effective maintenance of sound students record system and maintaining academic planning record system among others. In the school system today, it seems impossible to ignore the place of ICT anymore. School administrators are therefore faced with the challenge of incorporating ICT into the management of school in the meaningful and productive way. ICT can improve or enhance the administrative duties of a principal. For instance, computer as one of the ICT facilities can provide better management results. Most experts in education agreed that, when properly used, ICT holds great promise to improve teaching and learning situation (Agabi & Uche, 2006).
          However, despite the enormous advantages embedded in the use of ICT, it seems as if its deployment has not met with enthusiastic embrace and widespread acceptance of the developing nations. Although this attitude is slowly changing, a wide gap skill exists between the developed and the developing nations in the use of ICT (Aderibigbe, 2008).
          Secondary school administration entails working with and through teachers, non-teaching staff and students to get things done effectively. It is more concerned with the institution, its goals, polices and execution of these policies (Ajayi & Ayodele, 2003). In school administration according to Jaiyeoba (2006), the primary aim has to do with the improvement of teaching and learning and all the activities of the school; and which is being performed by the principal in secondary schools.
          The place of ICT in secondary school administration therefore cannot be overemphasized considering the problems of over- enrolment of students, shortage of instructional materials and human resources, inadequate infrastructural facilities coupled with poor funding of secondary education which appear to be militating against effective secondary school administration most especially in Ekiti State.
          As the secondary educational system is expanding at an unprecedented rate so also the problems of its planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling and directing which are to be performed by the school principal. It has been observed that the level of principals ICT awareness in secondary school administration in Ekiti State seems to be low, many of the principals seem not to have the basic knowledge of ICT facilities such as computer and internet to mention just two and it also appears as if some of the secondary school in Ekiti State are not even well equipped with necessary ICT facilities and it seems as if school administration is effective in the secondary schools with ICT facilities than those without it. It also seems as if ICT remains a low policy of financial priorities in most secondary schools in Ekiti State. On this note, this research is aim at finding out the negative influence of ICT on the academic activities of secondary schools in Ekiti State.

1.2     Statement of the Problem
          This study was designed to identify the negative influence of ICT on the academic activities in secondary schools in Ekiti state.
          It has been observed that the level a principles’ ICT awareness seems to be low. Also, the school administrators irrespective of their gender differences seems to be more at home with administering their schools through the conventional way of administration despite the fact that we are in computer and information age. Traditional method of administration appears to be far from what Academic activities need at this information age in order to bring about effective administration in their schools. The conventional administrative method has been observed to be highly rigid and does not issue practical result. The study therefore set out to investigate the negative influence of ICT on the academic activities of senior secondary schools in Ekiti State.

1.3     Research Questions
          The following research questions were raise to guide the study
1                    What is the level of awareness of ICT, knowledge by the secondary school administrator in Ekiti State
2                    What are the negative influence of ICT in Senior Secondary School, Ikere Local Government
3                    What are the attitude of secondary schools students towards the uses of ICT in the school
4                    What are the attitude of secondary schools teacher towards the uses of ICT facilities in the schools.

1.4     Research Hypotheses
          In order to find solution to the problems of this study, the following research hypotheses were raised to pilot the study
1                    There is no significant level of awareness of ICT knowledge by the secondary school administrator in Ekiti State
2                    There is no significant in negative influences of ICT in secondary school, Ikere Local Government
3                    There is no significant level of the attitude of secondary schools students towards use of ICT in the school
4                    There is no significant level of the attitude of secondary schools teacher towards use of ICT in the school.

1.5               Significance of the Study
          This study is considered significant in the sense that it will makes the student to know the important and the negative effects of ICT and thereby enticing         them to learn at almost level. Also it will be useful for the student by exposing them to the great benefit of ICT and this will promote their interest in the teaching and learning. Finally, it will encourage the government to provide quality ICT facilities in all secondary school for better teaching and learning.

1.6     Delimitation of the Study
          The scope of this research work focused strictly on the negative influence of ICT in secondary schools in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State.

1.7     Limitation of the Study
          Limitation of the study are the problem encounter during the cause of the research. Therefore the limitation for this study will be included at the end of this study.

1.8     Definition of Major Terms
Internet: The internet is an international network of computer linking together, millions of computer globally. The connected computer share files and other resources stove on them across the network.
Communication: Communication is a fundamental human and social process. It is the dissemination of information between people. It makes the existence of societies possible and by its nature distinguishes between the human and other species.
Information Technology: It can be viewed as tools enabling the rapid capture, manipulation, storage and communication of information.
Information: Is a general terms for the processes by which human being fashions tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the material environment.
Education: Dissemination of information enhance the individual intellectual development and helps one acquire the skill and aptitude required to become productive member of the society.
Information and Communication Technology: The Wend Lonk (2012) defines ICT as the set of activities which facilitate by electronic means the processing, transmission and display of information.
Ecape (2000) defines ICT as a complex varied set of goods application and services used for producing distributing, processing transforming information (including) telecom and radio broadcasting hardware and software are computer services and electronic media.


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