This study attempted to investigate the challenges of teaching and learning of Christian religious studies among junior secondary schools in Akure South Local Government Area in Ondo state. The purpose of the study is to find out the challenges of teaching and learning of Christian religious studies. A questionnaire was designed by the researcher to measure the challenges of teaching and learning of Christian religious studies among junior secondary school. With the result obtained, the conclusions are that the best teaching strategies for effective teaching and learning of Christian religious studies at secondary school education is the activity-based method. The recommendation is that, policy makers need to recognize that many teachers at the basic level of education aspire to move up the teaching ladder and that this aspiration may affect commitment and attitude to teaching at the basic level. The policy challenge is therefore to make the basic school teaching attractive enough to encourage greater interest. This study provides rich texture insight into some of the reasons for this, such as poor status, an ineffective welfare system and a weak professional organization of the Nigerian Education Service (NES)

Title page                                                                                 i
Certification                                                                                      ii
Dedication                                                                               iii
Acknowledgment                                                                     iv-vi
Abstract                                                                                  vii-viii
Table of contents                                                                     ix-xi
Background to the study                                                                   1-2
Statement of the problem                                                                  3-4
Purpose of the study                                                                4-5
Research questions                                                                           5
Significance of the study                                                                   5-7
Delimitation of the study                                                                  8
Scope of the study                                                                            8
Review of related literature                                                     9-13
Advantages of the lecture method                                           13-14
Advantages of the activity-based method                                15-16
Available Christian religious studies teaching and learning… 17-18
Importance of materials in Christian religious studies…                  19-20
The needs of Christian religious studies teachers                    21-23
Methodology                                                                           25
Research Design                                                                      25-26
Population and sampling procedure                                        25-27
Instrumentation                                                                       27-28
Validity of the main instrument                                                        28
Reliability of the main instrument                                           28-29
Data collection procedure                                                        29-30
Data analysis and presentation of results                               31-47
Details of additional findings                                                  47-49
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation                                   50
Summary                                                                                 50-55
Conclusion                                                                              55-56
Recommendation                                                                     56-59
REFERENCES                                                                        60

          Religion can be defined as the beliefs, attitudes, emotions or behaviour constituting man’s relationship with the power and principle of the universe especially with a deity or deities. It is also an object of conscientious devotion or scrupulous care (Lawal, 2002).
          Christian religious studies is an aspect of religion that was first regarded as a sectional religion. It was a religion of the Jews, then called Judaism or Yahwehism otherwise called Hebrew (Orebanjo 1992).
          Christian religious knowledge is being practiced in Nigeria till today because it is a boulder of attitude and morality. Religion cannot be separated from education that is the reason why religious education is included in the national curriculum of education right from te primary to the university education (Abioye and Adekunle, 1991).
          Despite the importance of Christian religious studies to the individual and nation in imparting moral values and behavioural change, it is worthy to note that performance of students in the subject is diminishing and poor (Lawal, 2002)
          Due to the challenges encountered during teaching and learning of chrtisian religious studies, students thereby run away from the subject. This alarming rate of performance in Christian religious studies has generated growing concern from various quarters: the parents, teachers, schools and the government.
          One is also worried because of the relative importance of the subject to education excellence and moral development. If care is not taken, the country will be eroded of its moral values and cultures if trends continue like that.
          Challenges for effective teaching and learning of Christian religious studies s for interest to the researchers in summary. The present study investigates the challenges for effective teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary school (JSS) in Akure South Local Government Area.

          Over the years, the Christian religious studies chief examiners reports have revealed that apart from a relatively low proportion of junior secondary school pupils who perm creditably in the subject, most of the pupils do not well in it (junior WAEC 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011).
          This trend of low pupil performance in Christian religious studies has for some times been observed among junior schools in the Ondo state directorate of Education. Although, concern has been expressed by parents, teachers and other stakeholders about the abysmal performance of junior secondary school pupils n Christian religious studies no discernible efforts have been made to reverse the trend. Consequently there have been low students enrolments for Christian religious studies elective courses in junior secondary schools in Akure South Local Government Area.
          The need for an intervention into the situation is urgent in view of the importance of Christian religious studies in the socio economic development of the nation in general and in the upper east region in particular. For this reason, this study was designed to determine the factors which combined effects have resulted in the prevalent poor performance of junior secondary school students in Christian religious studies in the research area.
          The study will be structured to focus on pupils’ factors, teachers’ factors, school specific factors and instructional actors that affect the teaching and learning and pupil performance in Christian religious studies in the research area.
          The objective of this study is designed to determine:
a.     The teaching strategies, approaches that teachers use in teaching Christian religious studies lessons of junior secondary school level
b.     The problems encountered by the junior secondary school teachers and pupils during Christian religious studies lessons
c.      The availability of Christian religious studies materials in the selected schools.
These are essential so that relative measure can be undertaken to prepare teachers both in the training and those already in the field to upgrade these methods and strategies in teaching so as to make learning more real and not abstract. As argued by Amir (1993), effective in-service training and orientation geared towards meeting contemporary need and challenges.
a)     What teaching and learning strategies, approaches are utilized by junior secondary school Christian religious studies teachers?
b)    What materials are available for Christian religious studies teaching and learning in he selected schools?
c)     How are the available learning materials used during Christian religious studies lessons?
d)    What peculiar problems do the junior secondary schools teachers and pupils encounter during christen religious studies lessons?
e)     What are the training needs of the selected junior secondary school Christian religious studies teacher?
          For any research to be useful it must contribute to the volume of existing knowledge of the field under investigation. In view of this, it is my conclusion that information obtained from this study will help address some f the challenges that confront the effective teaching and learning of Christian religious studies at the JSS level of education. It is t suggest remedies that will make students learning of CRS interesting and enjoyable.
          Teachers on the other hand will identify the problems with their methods of instruction and effects in the learning behaviour of their students
          It is also to provide information to the ministry of education, the government and other education stakeholders to embark on intervention to promote the teaching and learning of Christian religious studies at the junior secondary school level.
          The researcher hopes to help the regional and district coordinators at the education office in Akure South Local Government Area to upgrade their teaching and learning materials and evolve more time, more innovative strategies for the in-service training programme for Christian religious studies teachers.
          Additionally, the finding will augment the pool of data required by other educational researchers in their body to design interventions to solve educational problems in the teaching and learning of Christian religious Studies.
          In a nutshell, the findings and suggestions that will emerge from this study will aid in inexperienced as well as the reasoned Christian religious studies teacher to meaningfully teach Christian religious studies.
          In order to work successfully within the limited time and available resource, the study focused on the strategies utilized by Christian religious studies teachers in selected schools in Akure south local government area of Ondo state.
          Data were also collected from the Christian religious studies teachers so as to ascertain the effectiveness of teaching and learning of pupil using the lecture method on one hand and that of the activity method, on the other hand.
          It is however, hoped that although the study is atomistic it will present a generalized information to all the stakeholders that are involved in the ongoing professional development, the opportunity to ensure that teachers of Christian religious studies have practical experiences that will help them guide students.
          Although the target population comprised junior secondary school and Christian religious studies teacher in Akure south local government area Ondo state.
          There might be possibility of some weaknesses inherent in the administration if the question aires leading to negative effect on the work and this may give room for further improvement.



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