Title page                                                                                         
Table of contents                                                                             
Statement of the problem                                                              
Purpose of the study                                                                      
Research questions                                                                        
Scope of the study
Definition of terms                                                                        
 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                      
RESEARCH METHOD                                                                 
Research design                                                                             
Sample and sampling techniques                                                  
Research instrument                                                                      
Methods of data collection                                                           
Method of data analysis                                                                 
Teaching is a deliberate attempt by a more knowledgeable individual to impact knowledge; the introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) into the classroom situation is an essential catalyst.  This study is an attempt to find out the impact of ICT in teaching and learning of agricultural science in senior secondary schools in Ijero Local government area of Ekiti State. The questionnaire used examines issues related to the impacts of ICT in teaching and learning process which reflects teachers’ and students’ opinion on the concept of information and communication technology (ICT). One hundred and twenty students were randomly selected from six senior secondary schools in the local government chi-square statistical method was used in analyzing the effectiveness in teaching and learning of English in secondary schools will be enhanced through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) some recommendations were made based on the findings.

Back ground to the study
Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T) is now the “in -thing” globally in all human endeavours most especially in the instructional process. In the institutional process, I.C.T involves the use of multimedia and E-learning.
Multimedia technology affords teachers and students a lot of opportunities for effective teaching-learning outcomes.
E-learning is an example of the use of these I.C.T supported teaching and learning techniques whose use in educational institutions is gaining momentum with the passage of time (Omivenga, 2012).
Multimedia is a carefully woven combination of text, graphic, art, sound, animation and video elements. It is an integration of multiple media elements (audio, video, graphics, texts, animation, etc) into one synergetic and symbolic whole that results in more benefits for the end user than any of the media elements can provide individuals. This device if use in agricultural science instruction in the teaching learning process is expected to boost the learners’ performance at public examinations.
Attempt has been made in various way to define information and communication technology. For instance Aboyade (2001) defined information as knowledge or facts about someone or something. It define communication as the process of given information or making emotion or ideas known to someone, it is a message such as a letter, phone cell, e-mail, etc. It also defines technology as an advanced scientific knowledge used for practical purposes, especially in industry. This understanding should assist in defining I.C.T as a scientific method of storing and processing information and corresponding sharing exchange and sending such information from one place to another. (Oladunni 2001)
David (2005) defines I.C.T as a computer based management of data or ideas. In a broader sense I.C.T are the foothold on which humankind distinguished itself from other animals.
Communication device or application encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computers and network hardware and software, satellite systems, as well as the various services and application associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning.
The development of I.C.T has made it possible for emergence of e-banking, e-commerce, e-trading which has leads to national development. Dike (2014) posits that I.C.T is an advanced machine and equipment developed such as computer ancillary equipment hardware, software, service and resources interconnected together to give accurate information. This shows that I.C.T is a scientific method of storing and processing information and corresponding, sharing, exchanging and sending such information from one place to another. The question now is what are the chances to be seen as I.C.T acts as a powerful agent in the teaching and learning of Agricultural Science?
In the last decades pressure have been on shaping the University culture, with the main intention on how I.C.T has an agent of change could be used in ensuring quality teaching. Anao and Darkwa (2004) states that the effective seeks to learn from a range of source (literature, formal theory, evidence) in order to continually improve student learning. I.C.T changes the way teacher teaches which is called e-teaching and also changes the way student learn which is called e-learning.
E-teaching enables teachers to monitor and analyze what they do to create an effective online teacher presence and thereby facilitate a productive online learning environment for their students. Kwacha (2007) opines that e-teaching enable Agricultural Science teacher to perform effectively in the classroom. E-teaching enable student to learn easily through the use of internet. The ideas of internet is derived from “International Network” with its major tools being the computer system. Most students of secondary school assess relevant information through the means if internet. Gamson (2000) state that I.C.T provide distances learning e-library, e-banking which have change traditional way of teaching and learning Agricultural science.
Vuen (2008) shares a vision of how technology can be used to effect teaching and learning and how to overcoming the barriers of I.C.T in the teaching and learning of Agricultural science. According to him “the vision gives us a place to start, a goal to reach for, as well as a guide post along way”.
Information and communication technology has an influence on all shares of human endeavors. Carnoy (2002) rightly observed that, there is no doubt that I.C.T is rapidly transforming the content of land services of Agricultural services, libraries and information centre world wide. Aboyade (2001) states that, automated library and information system is the ultimate. 
Tinio (2002) indicates that I.C.T is a potentially powerful tool for extending educational opportunities, both formal and non-formal. It helps to extend education to rural populations and groups traditionally deprived of education due to cultural or social reasons such as ethnic minorities, sexism persons with disabilities, and the elderly, as well as others who for reasons of cost or because of time constraints are unable to enroll on campus.
A good feature of I.C.T is their ability to transcend time and space. I.C.Ts makes possible a synchronous learning or learning characterized by a time tag between the delivery of instruction and its reception by learners. Online course materials for example, may be accessed easily and I.C.T based educational delivery (e.g educational programming broadcast over radio or television) also makes it unnecessary, the need for all learners and instructors to be in one physical location. Additionally, certain types of I.C.Ts such as teleconferencing technologies enable instruction to be received simultaneously by multiple geographically dispersed learners ( i.e synchronous learning).
Another feature of I.C.T is the teachers and learners no longer have to rely solely on printed materials physically housed in libraries, which are even available in limited qualities educational needs. With the internet and the worldwide web, a wealth of learning materials in almost every subject and in a variety of media can now be accessed from everywhere at all time of the day and by an unlimited number of people. This is particularly significant for many schools in developing countries and even some in developed countries that have limited and outdated library resources. I.C.T also facilitate access to resources persons, mentors, experts researchers, professionals business leaders and peers all over the world.
Improving the qualities of education and training is a critical issue, particularly at a time of educational expansion, I.C.T can enhance the quality of education in several ways, by increasing learners motivation and engagement, (Hadded Jurich, 2002). I.C.T are also transformational tools which, when used appropriately can promote the shift to a learners –centered atmosphere. 
I.C.Ts such as video, television and multimedia computer software that combine text, sound, colour, moving images can be used to provide challenging and authentic content that will engage the student in the learning process. Likewise provide of sound effect, songs dramatizations, comic skits and other performances of compel students to listen and become involved in the lessons and other classroom services. Network computers with internet connectivity can also increase learner motivation as it combines the media richness and interactivity of other I.C.Ts with the opportunity to connect with and to participate in events. I.C.T is equally used to improve access to quality of training. For example, in China, large-scale radio and television based teacher education have for many years been conducted by the China central radio and TV Secondary, University and many other RTVUS in the (Carnoy, et al, 2002).
Good educational policies are backed with well designed programs which for part of adequate political will on the part of government and educational institution authorities are ineffectively and inefficiently implemented. Thus had led to learners not being adequately exposed to those experiences that will guarantee the total development of their being. At present we leave in a global village. Around the globe the latest and most complex technology is the area of information and communication technology. The growth in online technology and its application in education have brought great transformation in the World. The use of I.C.T gadget has made teaching and learning less burden some effective and result oriented by providing cyberspace for learning, avenue for sharing idea and information. The level of development in any society is usually determined by the quality and quantity of knowledge in the various available to and acquired by the citizens.
Knowledge is acquired and sustained through efficient information and communication system based on the technology level attained children in any country who fail to use and master new technologies would definitely lack behind. However, there are many constraints in delivering the I.C.T to the right people at the right time. In developing countries like Nigeria, there is frequently a shortage of qualified I.C.T teachers, and lack of fund. The rapid changes that have taken place all over the world poses a challenge to the educational sector. These is the need to enrich the present which I.C.T program for effective teaching and learning process.

This research examines the impacts of Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T) on effective teaching and learning of Agricultural science in Junior Secondary Schools in Ijero Local Government Area.
The objective of this is;
1.       To ascertain the problem that teacher usually encountered in the use of information and Communication Technology.
2.       To appraised students perceptive of their gains with the used of I.C.T in the teaching of Agricultural science.
3.       To determine the availability of I.C.T gadgets in the teaching of Agricultural science in Junior Secondary School.
4.       To examine I.C.T as a powerful agent of educational practices to which have become accustomed.
5.       To ascertain the literacy of personnel possible for the teaching of Agricultural science in relation to I.C.T
6.       To proffer solutions to the problems of I.C.T in the teaching and learning of Agricultural science.
7.       To develop a system of collecting and disseminating education information.

The following research questions were formulated for the study.

This study explains the roles and importance of information and communication technology in junior secondary school in Ekiti state, Ijero local government area. The effectiveness in the use of information and communication technology will provide support for customized educational programme to meet the needs of individual learners.
Effectiveness of information and communication technology will develop ability to reason formerly, solve problem, communicate effectively, negotiate outcome, manage time, project management and collaboration and team work. Students, teachers, and schools or institutions will find the outcome of this study useful in their planning and other school activities.
Moreover, the outcome of this study will in no small measure to increase the speed and accuracy of agricultural science in their day to day learning and also help the teacher to realize the importance of I.C.T in effective teaching and learning of agricultural science. This study is also a contribution to the field of knowledge researchers in the area of agricultural science and information, and communication technology will find it useful in their research.


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