The purpose of this study is to find out the attitudes of secondary schools’ adolescent towards teaching profession to the students in Akoko South East  Local Government Area in Ondo State. The researcher administered questionnaire to one fifty students that were randomly selected. The finding reveals that teaching profession is not meant for mediocre. Most of Adolescent student in Akoko South East Local Government are not fully prepared for what is entails to succeed in the life. The study showed that teacher are always underrated in the society and government is also contributing great to their misfortunate The researcher suggested that if government pay teachers well and professionalized teaching. The attitude of Adolescent toward taking up teaching as profession will be positive. These encouragements will go along way in teaching as a profession and service as a means of boosting and increasing their productivity.

Title page                                                              i
Certification…                                                           ii
Dedication…                                                             iii
Acknowledgement…                                                   iv
Abstract                                                                 v
Table of contents…                                                     vi
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION…                                   1
Background of the Study…                                            1
Statement of the Study…                                               3
Objective of the Study…                                                4
Research Question…                                                 4
Significance of the study…                                            5
Delimitation of the Study…                                            6
Definition of Terms …                                                 6
CHAPTER TWO …                                               ...       8
Review of the Related Literature…                                            8
CHAPTER THREE…                                                  21
Research Methodology…                                              21
Research Design…                                                     21
Sample Procedure…                                                  21
Population                                                             22
Validity and Reliability of Instrument…                                22
Administration procedure…                                           23
Reliability of the instrument …                                           24
Scoring Procedure…                                                  25
Data Analysis Techniques…                                                   25
CHAPTER FOUR…                                                    26
Data Analysis and Summary of the Result                             26
Statement of the Result and Analysis…                                       26
CHAPTER FIVE…                                                      35
Summary                                                               35
Conclusion …                                                           35
Recommendation                                                        36
REFERENCES…                                                        37
QUESTIONNAIRE…                                                   39

          The word teaching has a wider scope than the way people think of it. Teaching is neither restricted to the four walls of the school where instruction is carried out for learners.
Teaching starts from the home where parents teach their children norms and values of the society. Teaching can take place when teachers plan and guide the students’ experiences such that they will learn the desired skills or knowledge as quickly as possible and make steady progress in mastering the subject.
It must be strongly noted that teaching goes along with learning. Van Dalen and Brittle (2007) defined teaching as the guidance of students through planned activities so that they may acquire the richest learning possible from their experience and required the active participation of the child. Teaching according to Ayejuyo (2010) is the act of impacting knowledge by an experience individual to an inexperienced and less matured individual.
Adolescent is a period of major change ushered in by the normal activity associated with the growths part of puberty and by changing environmental expectation it is that period in everybody’s life that lies between the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. It is a stage in human development and it is regarded as a separate culture within the larger world.
Adolescent are group of people who have their peculiar way of selecting and preparing for occupation in tasks one has chosen to perform in the adolescent stage.  Bust (2008) opined that if the adolescent is aware of his professional aspiration and the opportunities that exist for the realization of his personal ambition he will choose relevant subject that would be related to his interests everybody wants to be somebody of great important in the society.
Therefore many people choose careers not because they have the ability or trait associated with the occupation or jobs they have chosen but because of the respect and the prestige, which the occupation commands in the society. Every individual regardless of socio-economics background would like to choose occupation that is lucrative.
The teaching profession is seen by most people as a stepping stone to other jobs, consequently teacher who taught in most of our school who are graduates from universities  did not study education as their disciplines. There are some teacher whose social ways of life makes people look down on them hence having negative attitude towards the teaching profession.
Despite the fact that government has increase the salaries of teachers, some still dress shabbily and would not take up their work properly. There is saying that whatever your hand find doing do it with all your might. Teacher should be stop of reason for choosing the profession he or she choose out of the existing profession. Also people speculated that parents have great influence on children in chosen a career. In most case, it has been observed that parents do not have an interest for teaching as a profession this they tend to discourage their children from having anything to do with teaching as a career.
However students restrict their interest in some known profession than to teaching there have been speculation those adolescent attitudes towards a profession is influence by peer group they lend to choose a profession based on the profession their friend have chosen. In short this study is an attempt to find out the attitude of secondary school adolescent towards teaching profession.
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          This study is aimed at achieving the following objective
1.            To investigate the lukewarm attitude of the adolescent to teaching as a profession and to investigate why the teacher are been rated as second class citizen.
2.            To investigate why the profession itself is having low esteem in the society and to proffer solution to those problems the research work with all profession.
3.            This study will significantly help the school head teachers, guidance and counselors to be in a better position to direct motivate and guide students towards the teaching profession.
4.             In addition, the government will be able to ensure that worthy decisions that will result in improving the teaching profession are introduced.
1             Is there any significant different between attitude of secondary schools adolescent student and teaching profession in Ilejemeje Local Government?
2             Does teacher experience has any effect in teaching Adolescent student
3             Will availability of instructional materials provided for teachers has a significant effect on their teaching as a profession
          In an attempt to achieve the states objectives and to give the study area of a clear focus the following research hypothesis were formulated.
1             There is no significant difference between attitude of secondary schools adolescent students and their choice of teaching profession in Akoko South East Local Government?
2             There is no significant difference between the availability of instructional materials provided and effectiveness of teacher in their teaching profession
3             There is no significant difference between teacher’s experience and their ability to teach adolescent student.
          The significance of this study is that it will show the effectiveness of the attitude of secondary schools Adolescent student towards teaching profession in Akoko South East Local Government Area of Ondo State.
          It will equal enable us to determined the imparts of teaching aids on the performances of the students.
It will also helps the students to know the significance of the instructional materials used in teaching which will make teaching profession attract the Adolescent.
Therefore the study would be of immense benefit to the government, teachers, and professional organization.
          The study was delimited to Senior Secondary School Two SS II students in Adolescent toward teaching profession in Akoko South East Local Government Area of Ondo State.
The following terms have been operationally defined for the study
-         S.S.C.E.: This is government approved senior secondary certificate examination
-         Teaching: According to Ayejuyo (2001)” is the act of imparting knowledge by an experience to an in experienced and less matured individual
-         Adolescent: Adolescence has been defined variously by experts in different fields, the word come from the Latin verb Adolesre, which mean, “to grow up”  “to grow into maturity” Adolescence is therefore referred to as the transition period between childhood and adulthood.
-         Attitude: An attitude is a position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state. Also an attitude is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, or object.
-         Profession: A profession is something a little more than a job it is a career for someone that wants to be part of society, who becomes competent in their chosen sector through training; maintain their skills through continuing professional development (CPO) and commits to behaving ethically to protect the interest of the public.



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