Background to the study
Teacher quality in the context of this study can be seen as the specific characteristics required for effective teaching of financial accounting by teachers at the secondary school level, such as communication skills, classroom management skills, teacher-students relationship and teacher-knowledge of subject matter. Annie, Howard and Murray-Ward (2015) defined academic achievements as the outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved the set educational goals.
The quality of education of a nation could be determined by the quality of her teachers. The most important factor in improving students’ achievement in accounting subjects is by employing seasoned qualified teachers in all schools (Abe and Adu, 2013). Okuruwa (2009) found that, policy investment on quality of teachers is related to improvement in students’ performance. Specifically, the measurement of teacher’s preparation and certification are correlates of students’ achievement in accounting subject. It is further reported that, teacher’s characteristics such as certification status and degree in area of specialization are very significant and positively correlated with students learning outcomes in principle of accounting. This report was in line with the findings of Salman (2009).
Studies have revealed that poor quality of teachers is a strong factor responsible for the dwindling standard of education in Nigeria. Research also indicates that the achievement gap widens each year between students with most effective teachers and those with least effective teachers. This implies that the most significant gains in student achievement will likely be realized when students receive instruction from well qualified and experienced teachers over consecutive years. Although teachers’ academic degrees and their average years of experience have been traditional indicators of the qualification of the teacher work force, research has not found the highest degree attained by teachers to be a good predictor of gains in students’ academic achievement (Hanushek, 2010).
Abe and Adu (2013) and Wiki (2013) opined that, a teaching qualification or teacher qualification is one of a number of academic and professional degree that enables a person to become a registered teacher in primary or secondary school. Such qualifications include, but are not limited to, the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGDE). The Professional Diploma in Education (PDE), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE).
Job satisfaction is the favorable or unfavorable subjective feeling with which employees view their work. It results when there is congruence between job requirement, demands and expectations of employees. It expresses the extent of match between employees, expectation of the job and the reward that the job provides.
The factors of physical conditions and social nature affect job satisfaction and productivity. Job satisfaction is defined as an effective or emotional response toward various facts of one’s job. Job satisfaction is in regard to one’s feelings or state-of-mind regarding the nature of their work. It can be influenced by a variety of factors, the quality of one’s relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.
Teacher’s job satisfaction which is ‘linked to teachers’ work performance, includes teachers’ involvement, commitment, and motivation in the job. It is not only important for teachers, but empirically influential on students and schools in general. Teachers’ satisfaction with their career may have strong implications for student learning. Specifically, a teacher’s satisfaction with his or her career may influence the quality and stability of instruction given to students.
Satisfaction is almost important in teaching profession where he is to deal with another human being, the student and the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the teachers is likely to be transferred. Teacher’s key role is to teach or help students and it depends on the ability and motivation of the teachers to teach as it does on the ability and motivation of the students to learn.
The level of job satisfaction is affected by intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors, the quality of supervision, social relationships with the work group and the degree to which individuals succeed or fail in their work. As is the case with all white collar positions, both intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect teacher’s satisfaction., intrinsic satisfaction can come from classroom activities. Extrinsic factors have been associated with teacher’s satisfaction, including salary, perceived support from administrators, school safety, and availability of school resources, among others.
Statement of the Problem
No educational institution can be better than the quality of the teaching staff. One of the goals of teacher education is the production of highly motivated, conscientious and effective teachers for all levels of the educational system. However, the present day teacher probably lacks proper professional training which might impact negatively on his/her job. When the Universal Basic Education (UBE) was introduced, teacher trainees and auxiliary teachers were selected indiscriminately from among market women, housewives, petty traders and frustrated job seekers. As a result, many unsuitable individuals with no basic aptitude, interest or calling for teaching, were found in teaching and teacher training institutions. Therefore, one should not expect such non-motivated individuals to become better teachers even if given the best training. The teacher training colleges therefore produced ill-trained and ill-equipped teachers who were pushed into the schools to teach.
Poor academic performance of students in Nigeria has been linked to poor teachers’ performance in terms of accomplishing the teaching task, negative attitude to work and poor teaching habits (Ofoegbu, 2004). Other factors that may contribute to teachers’ job performance include; relationship between the students and the teacher; teachers’ teaching experience and qualifications. The prevailing conditions would definitely show a negative or positive influence on the instructional quality in public schools, which may translate to either good or poor academic performance, attitude and values of secondary school students.
The observation has prompted the researcher to compare teachers' qualification and job performance of private and public basic schools on kano municipal
Objectives of the Study
The objective of this study is a Comparative study of teachers' qualification and job performance of private and public basic schools on kano municipal
This study sets to achieve the following objectives:
1. To investigate the correlation between teachers’ qualifications and job performance between public and private school in Kano Municipal
2. To investigate the effect of teachers’ experience and job performance between public and private school .
3. To investigate the different between teachers’ mode of instruction and job performance between private and public school
Research Questions
The following questions are answered in this study:
What are the relationship between teachers’ qualifications and job performance between public and private school in Kano Municipal?
2. What are the relationship between teachers’ experience and job performance in public and private school .
3. what are the different between teachers’ mode of instruction and job performance between private and public school
Research Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses are postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.
1. there is no significant relationship between Teacher's qualifications and their job performance in public and private shool
2. There is no significant relationship between teachers’ experience and job performance in public and private school.
3. There is no significant relationship between teachers’ mode of instruction and job performance in public and private school
Significance of the Study
This study will be of significant importance to a number of people.
Firstly, it will be of significant benefit to teachers by enumerating carefully, the factors that contribute to their job performance, while discharging their duties. The study will enable teachers to seek means of being more goals oriented in the discharge of their duties.
It will be of great importance to the student whose purpose of study will help address the confronting problems of low academic performance. The study will also make students to focus more attention on their academics.
It will be of tremendous benefits to parents who have by no means contributed their own quota to neither the advancement of our educational system nor have added to the fallen standard of our educational system
Finally, it will be of great importance to all stakeholders and policy makers who have been relentlessly working to ensure that our educational system would not crumble in the end.
The Scope of the Study
This is an attempt to compare teachers qualification and job performance of private and public schools in kano metropolis . The variable scope for this study will include the Teacher's qualifications, teachers’ experience, teachers’, and teacher's mode of instruction. The study covers 50 teachers from three private Secondary Schools and three public schools in Kano Metropolis
Operational Definition of Terms
The researcher has tried to define common terms that are to be found in the essay because an in depth knowledge of the meaning of some important terms will be necessary.
1.Teacher Factors: The sum of all the several things that influence the teacher in the performance of his teaching to the learners.
2.Performance :It is the expected outcome of learning activity that can be assessed or evaluated through tests, exams etc where in this study, it is the outcome or result of the learning process during the classroom encounter
3. Teacher: A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge aimed at bringing desired results in learners’ attitude in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. However in this study, the teacher is the harbinger of knowledge who transmits information to the students to increase their knowledge of subject matter.
4.Job Performance: is the quantity and quality of work expected from each employee. It is the overall expected value from employee’s behaviour carried out over the course of set period of time