History of Afenmai
A Brief History Of The Afenmai People
Afenmai consists of several kingdoms and clans (large villages / cantons traditionally ruled by monarchs), and many of them seem to have their own versions of the oral history of the origin of Afenmai, as well as their own starting point in history.
Historical narratives claim that they emigrated from Benin during the tyrannical rule of Oba Evuare, the greatest warlike legend and the most prominent king in the history of the Beninese Empire. The name is Ewuare (Oworuare), which means " everything is fine” or the problem has stopped and, therefore, the war is over. The name symbolizes the era of reconciliation, restoration and return of peace between the warring factions in Benin between 1435-1440 AD.
Shortly after this critical period of the war, Akalaka and his two sons Ekpeye and Ogba migrated further to the southeast to first settle in Ula-ubi, and then other groups left Benin City and migrated north. However, it has recently become clear that people lived in the land of Afenmai before the migration from Benin City.
Afenmai People and Languages
The Afenmai people, also spelled Afenmai, are a group of people living in the northern part of the Southern Geopolitical Zone of Edo State in Nigeria.
The Afenmai occupy six local government areas in Edo State: Western Etsako with its headquarters in Auchi, Central Etsako, Eastern Etsako, Eastern Ovan, Western Ovan and Akoko Edo. They make up the Edo-Nord Senate District.
The Afenmai are also known as the people of Afenmai, Etsako, Etsakor, Yehi or Yehi. In Benin, they are also known as the Ivbiosakon people.
The Afenmai language is a Ghotu-Une-Yehi language belonging to the north-central branch of the Edoid languages. Afenmai is closely related to EDO.
Afenmai has several documented dialects:
Auchi ("Ekhi")
Avainwu (Fugar)
South Ibi (South Ivbi)
Uvepa-Uvano (Vepp WANO NPP)
Uzanu, Anegbette, Udochi, Imiava [Une]
Okpella / Okpekpe / Northern Ibi ("Ivi"”
The Afenmai people do not have a central traditional ruler, but some of the outstanding traditional institutions and rulers of the Afenmai country are Okumagbe from Vanno, Ogi Eppa from Veppa, Ogieneni from Uzairue (Jattu), Aidonogi from Southern Ibi, Otaru from Auchi, oba from Agbede, Otaru from Igarra, ukor from Ihievbe, Oliola from Anegbetta, Okumagbe from the Yuleha clan, Okuopellagbe from Okpelly, ogie avianwu from Avianwu, etc.Afenmai has produced many outstanding personalities at the national and international levels.
The tourist attractions that stretch across the expanses of Afenmai are illustrated by the SE Lake in Agenebod (Veppa vanno clan) East Etsakor, Ososo Hills (featured in Gulder Ultimate search), the famous Kukuruku Hills and Somorika Hills in Akoko-Edo. The Somorica hills consist of a vast stretch of hills topped with massive boulders perched carelessly on the hilltops and next to seemingly inadequate places on the sides.
Some of the most important cities/clans of the Afenmai country are Agenebode(Veppa-vanno), Veppa, Oshiolo, Emokwemhe Iviagbapue, Auchi, Ihiewbe, Afuse, Warrake, Iviukwe, South Ibie, Agbede, Sabongida Ora, Igarra, Ekperi, Jattu, Fugar, Aviele, Okpella, Uneme Erunrun, Uneme Osu, iviuhua, ososo, Uzanu, Uzebba, Iviuhua, Veppa, Okpella, Okpekpe, Somorika, etc.
The clans, towns, villages and autonomous kingdoms in the Afenmai country are currently administratively distributed as follows in the six current local government areas:
Etsako East LGA, Agenebode:
Agenebode, Oshiolo, Iviagbapue, Imiakebu, Afana, Imiegba, Itsukvi, Emokweme, Equator, Iviukhua, Okpella, Okpekpe, Iviebua, Ibie, Veppa, Uzanu
Etsako Central, LGA, Fugar:
Fugar, Ekperi, Ogbona, Anegbetta, Udochi, Iraolohor
Estiko West LGA, Auchi:
Auchi, South Ibi, Agbede, Awain community (Evora, Evare, Ibvioba, Ama, Idegun, etc.
Ovan East LGA, Afuse
Afuse, Warrake, Igue, Ihievbe, ICAO, Ivbi-Mion, ve-Ada-Obi, Otuo and Wokha
LGA West Ovan, Sabongida Ora:
Sabongida Ora, Yuleha Clan
Akoko Edo LGA, Igarra:
Igarra, Ibillo, Un-Osu, Un-Erunrun, Ososo, Somorica,
Aviavun (Iviavu) is one of the popular clans of Afenmai. It consists of Unone, Arua, Ogbona, and Iriahor
Awun is the father of Unone Arua Ogbon Iriahor, and awun emigrated from the Kingdom of Benin and settled in present-day Fugar. Unone and Arua form the current Fugar.
Religion and profession
The Etsako were originally supporters of the traditional African religion, but with the advent of Christianity and Islam, many converted to these religions. At present, the Etsako are mostly Christians, perhaps in large part due to the fact that the first missionaries arrived on the shore in Agenebod. However, high concentrations of Muslims can be found around Auchi, Agbede and possibly the Okpella axis.
While most Etsako are hunters, farmers and fishermen, many professionals work as doctors, lawyers, professors, nurses, musicians, filmmakers, technology analysts and other circles.