The main purpose of this study was to examine the use of modern technologies in the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools. Specifically, the study identified modern technologies that could be used for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools.Also the study examined the extent of availability of modern technology for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools. In addition, the study determined the level of contribution of modern technology on the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools.
The design adopted was descriptive survey research design.The population of the study comprised of all 109 Yoruba teachers inIkole Local Government secondary schools and 32000 Yoruba students in Ikole Local Government.The sample for this study consisted of one hundred and forty (140) respondents selected by simple random sampling techniques from ten (10) secondary schools in Ikole Local Government.Percentage score and frequency counts were used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test all the hypotheses at 0.5 level of significance.
Based on the findings, it was concluded that the use of modern technologies for theteaching and learning of Yoruba Language cannot be overemphasized. Efforts to promote mother –tongue literary have been diversified but there is a growing interest among schools on the need to exploit the tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning of African language. Also it was concluded that radio and television, computer, monitor and CPU, Overhead projector, Local Area Network and internet facilities, departmental computer room, radio set, CD-ROM Database, power supply, software package are modern technologies that can be used in teaching and learning of Yoruba Language. Though the extent of their availability varies.
The study recommended among others that’ are made;
Government should provide all the modern technologies listed to our secondary schools inorder to enhance the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language. Yoruba Language teachers should be encouraged with ICT facilities in order to make them have the zeal to teach. Also Yoruba subject should be made compulsory for all students in Yoruba Land so that the mother –tongue will not be lost
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Research Hypothesis
Significance of the Study
Delimitation of the Study
The concept of Yoruba Language
Challenges of teaching and learning Yoruba Language
The modern technology
Types of modern technology and Yoruba teaching process.
The use of modern technology in promoting the teaching and learning Yoruba language in Nigeria.
Research Design
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Research Instrument
Validity of the Instrument
Administration of the Instrument
Data Analysis
Presentation of Results And Discussion
Analysis of Personal Data
Testing of Hypotheses
Background to the Study
Today, information technology is rapidly changing the way learning and teaching occurs. The use of modern technology enables teachers to access necessary information on Yoruba Language through the internet.According to Lawal (2012) modern technology can be defined as the combination of electronic hard ware and software used to store the needed information for eternal sources for more accessible data base towards the accomplishment of organisation goals. Through the use of modern technology necessary information is transmitted widely within the short test possible time. The rapid growth in modern technology experience by the technologically advanced nations of the world has helps them to overcome some of the barriers in teaching and learning.
Akinwamide (2012) noted that applications of modern day’s technologies to teaching and learning can make it possible for teachers and students to join communities of people in their immediate environment to critically review, analyse, contribute criticize and organize issues logically and contextually having professionalism and the transformations of the entire socially in view.
Akinwamide (2012) further stated that information and communication technology (ICT) is employed as facilitator in the field of education to assist learners to learn faster, and effective utilization of appropriate technologies as learning resources can lead to multifaceted benefits like self-paced learning access to the resources without time or geographical constraints, active learning experience for all student academic interactions involving stakeholders and professionals for effective and functional education in the 21st century Yoruba Language teachers must go along with the current trend in technological advancement if they would remain relevant in this technological age. Modern technology has included ICT as a subject of study as assisting tool for collecting data and writing assignments by students, for communicating and conducting research as a medium for teaching and learning; as a tool for organisation and management in schools. The use of modern technology in education makes learning more inspiring motivating, meaningful and remarkable.
According to Etejere and Ogundele (2008) electronic information system enables the researchers teachers, schools administrators and studentsto acquire process, store and disseminate vocal, pictoral, textual and numerical information by electronic information system made available by modern technology.
In the same vein Adeyemi and Olaleye (2010) noted that in enhancing sustainable development in Nigeria, internet services in school otherwise known as school net Nigeria was launched in September 2001 and that school net Nigeria had created learning communities of educators and learners in the use of ICT to enhance development in education within the country, computer in education are use in classroom teaching, learning process through computer aided instruction (CAT), computer assisted learning and e-learning.
The use of computer by the teachers however assists in the curriculum contract delivery, computer in the school system assists in the academic environment to store, display, transmit and analyze data by the educational researchers.
Kpolovic (2006) observed that the use of statistical package for social science (SPSS) software for advance statistic aids teachers, administrators and researchers to overcome the rigor of manual analysis of primary data. The author further explained that the use of computers enable researchers to share and chat among each other through the use of internet.
Opue (2003) described use of internet as an electronic library (e-library) where vast amount of information are provided through different sources and displayed.The use of internet through the computer enables researchers and teachers to access relevant information needed for research and teaching. The Nigeria National policy on education (2004) emphasized the importance of computer literacy in teaching education programmes exposure to changes in the methodology curriculum reforms and the innovations in the professions is very important. Also it is noted that computer literacy still enables teachers to implement effective record keeping strategies and computer assisted instruction and communication.Modern technologies therefore vital for both teacher and learner of Yoruba Language in this era.
Statement of the Problem
The recent happenings have revealed that society is changing rapidlybased on knowledge and modern technologies. No doubt the world has turned to global village. The accumulation on and acquisition of knowledge through traditional methods of teaching and learning no doubt have failed people in terms of the products of our educational system especially in the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in our secondary schools. It is pathetic to note that Yoruba student nowadays could not speak polished Yoruba again talk less of writing appropriate Yoruba.
In view of this the study intends to investigate the use of modern technology in the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to examine the use of modern technology in the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools. Specifically, the study intends to identify modern technologies that could be used for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools, also to examine the extent of availability of modern technology for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools. In addition, the study intends to determine the level of contribution of modern technology on the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools.
Research Questions
1. What are the modern technologies for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools?
2. To what extent are modern technology facilities available for teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools?
3. What is the extent of usability of modern technology for teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools?
4. What is the extent of contribution of modern technologies on the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools?
Research Hypothesis
The following hypothesis are formulated to be tested out 0.05 level of significance.
1) There is no significant difference in the opinion of male and female respondents on the extent of availability of modern technologies for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools?
2) There is no significant difference in the opinion of teachers and students concerning the usability of modern technologies for the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools
3) There is no significant difference in the opinion of teachers and students concerning the contribution of modern technologies to teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government Secondary Schools.
Significance of the Study
A research work of this nature is important because the use of modern technology would help the students and also draw the attention of learners of Yoruba Language to the problems facing teaching and learning of Yoruba as a subject.
The use of modern technology in teaching and learning of Yoruba will enable the curriculum that is modern technology friendly. This will make the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language easy, and enhance effectiveness which would lead to better result. It will also draw the attention of the teacher to its usefulness when teaching Yoruba Language. Emphasis would be laid on various ways by which the problem could be alleviated.
The use of modern technology in the teaching and learning of Yoruba will be of great importance to other researchers who will be willing to carryout researches on related topic.
Delimitation of the Study
The research investigated the use of modern technology in the teaching and learning of Yoruba Language in Ikole Local Government where Yoruba Language is taught.
Definition of Terms
Language: Language is the words that people speak or write during learning process that will bring effective understanding to the learner. Also any system of signs movement or sound that are used to express feeling or what you are learning.
Communication: Is the process by which meaning are perceived and understanding by reached among human beeing whether in terms of written or spoken words, silence use of eyes, smiling or frowning, head shaking in approval, disapproval, gestures, facial expression, body posturing e.t.c. Communication takes place during learning process between students and the teachers.
Community: Is a group of people who liked to gather and understanding themselves.People of Yoruba speaking dialects speaks the same language and teach their children to learn both in the society and at home.
Modern Technology: Is information or data that is created, distributed and accessed using a form of electronics, electrons, communication. The common equipment we use on a daily basis to access electronic information is our television radio, computer, phone and other, transporting information to and fro as by means of technology involvement.