Background to the study

             Christian Religious Education has emerged as a subject of prime importance inNigerian schools. Its value in the school curriculum is unique among other subjects. The teachingof Christian Religious Knowledge in Primary schools in Nigeria can be dated back to the firsthalf of the nineteenth-century when the Christian missionaries established the first school inBadagry in 1842. This form of education spread to the North in the early 19th century and CRKwas taught in the schools. At the early period, proprietors of schools were the Christianmissionaries (Methodist, Church Missionary Society (CMS), and Roman Catholic whoconsidered CRK as an important subject to be taught in schools. Since then, Christian Religiouseducation has occupied a prominent position in Nigerian school curriculum till date. The viewwas asserted by Onovughe 2027).

In recognition of the value attached to the subject the subject was not only offered in theprimary school alone but also in all levels of institution in Nigeria. Religious training and moral instruction was considered as fundamental to the development of sound education. The essence of teaching Christian religious education includes academic, moral; civil and spiritual objectives. In Christian religious education it is obvious that pupils are taught the way of life. Thus the teaching of the subject instils discipline and obedience in the products. The study of CRK will enable pupils to learn the tenets of the faith and to live a life that is that is pleasing to God. CRK

Christian Religious Studies is one of the core subjects in  primary school and as well as an elective in the senior secondary schools In South East Geo-political Zone of Nigeria. Thesubject gains its root into Nigeria education system through the European Missionaries who introduced the subject as a means of converting Nigerians into white man religion (Christianity). Shortly after Nigeria independence, management of schools shifted from thehands of the missionaries to the Nigerian government. The shift affected the study of CRSsuch that the name was changed from Bible knowledge to Christian Religious knowledge andlater CRS, in the same way series of changes occurred in its contents. Religion can be defined as the beliefs, attitudes, emotions or behaviour constituting man’s relationship with the power and principle of the universe especially with a deity or deities. It is also an object of conscientious devotion or scrupulous care.          Christian religious studies is an aspect of religion that was first regarded as a sectional religion. It was a religion of the Jews, then called Judaism or Yahwehismotherwise called Hebrew.

            Christian religious knowledge is being practiced in Nigeria till today because it is a boulder of attitude and morality. Religion cannot be separated from education that is the reason why religious education is included in the national curriculum of education right from the primary to the university education (Abioye and Adekunle, 2011).

            The Christian Religious Education has emerged as a subject of prime importance in Nigerian schools. Its value in the school curriculum is unique among other subjects. The teaching of Christian Religious Knowledge in Primary schools in Nigeria can be dated back to the first half of the nineteenth-century when the Christian missionaries established the first school in Badagry in 1842. This form of education spread to the North in the early 19th century and CRK was taught in the schools. At the early period, proprietors of schools were the Christian missionaries (Methodist, Church Missionary Society (CMS), and Roman Catholic who considered CRK as an important subject to be taught in schools. Since then, Christian Religious education has occupied a prominent position in Nigerian school curriculum till date. The view was asserted by Onovughe 2008.

In recognition of the value attached to the subject the subject was not only offered in the primary school alone but also in all levels of institution in Nigeria. Religious training and moral instruction was considered as fundamental to the development of sound education. The essence of teaching Christian religious education includes academic, moral; civil and spiritual objectives. In Christian religious education it is obvious that pupils are taught the way of life. Thus the teaching of the subject instils discipline and obedience in the products. The study of CRK will enable pupils to learn the tenets of the faith and to live a life that is that is pleasing to God. CRK  therefore is aimed at producing (training) persons who will be fit or equipped for religious and social responsibility. Thus the focus of CRK curriculum among other things is for pupil’s moral training and academic pursuance.

From the above observations, it is understood that Christian Religious Education is not only a subject to learn, but also a way of life, but what is not clear, is whether the teaching of this subject has made any meaningful impact on the students who learn it and on the Nigerian society as a whole. Moreover it can be seen that there is little relationship between what is learned in

C.R.K classes and the C.R.K. graduates’ lives at home, as now one hears of so much evil, indiscipline and moral decadence in Nigerian society. C. M. 2000 lament on the Moral decadence in our institution as a result of religious Education.

Despite the importance of Christian religious studies to the individual and nation in imparting moral values and behavioural change, it is worthy to note that performance of students in the subject is diminishing and poor (Lawal, 2012)

            Due to the challenges encountered during teaching and learning of chrtisian religiousstudies, students thereby run away from the subject. This alarming rate of performance in Christian religious studies has generated growing concern from variousquarters: the parents, teachers, schools and the government.

            One is also worried because of the relative importance of the subject to education excellence and moral development.If care is not taken, the country will be eroded of its moral values and cultures if trends continue like that. The problems facing the teaching of Christian Religious Studies in  secondary schools, Inadequate supply of qualified, and competent Christian Religious  Studies teacher,  Inadequate supply of instructional materials, Uncondusive teaching environment, Poor supervision and  Poor motivation of the Christian Religious Studies teachers.

            According to Adeyanju (1991), learning can be reinforced with learning aids of different variety because they stimulate motivate as well as arrest learners attention for a while during the instructional process. He added that learning arts are instructional materials and devices through which teaching and learning are done in schools.

            In similar observations, some investigations claim that whenever they taught with some of the learning aids, their students set are stimulated because the learning aids have students to become more attentive. Inaddition, students’ positive attitudes generate more interest for lessons; as a result, students participate better in class activity. Studies on teacher education and the use of instructional materials have been carried out and reported by several investigators including those of Agun andOkunrotifa (1977). Agun (2006), Akanbi and Imogie (2009), Agun (2006) pointed out the development of skills by teachers understanding their training do that they could be able touse a wide variety of instructional materials sufficiently.

            The various researchers found that teachers who are trained and untrained need some form of materials to teach their lesson effectively. They, however, pointed out that the relevance of choice of instructional materials types that are used and the quality of the instructional materials types that teachers use must be investigated.

            Oguniyi (2002), held a similar view that, Nigerian primary school teachers have to be retained in the modern methods of instruction and of how to use appropriate learning materialand equipment to harness Students  enthusiasm and maximize learning. Furthermore, instructional materials are considered to make the teachers work more effectively and to provide and enriched classroom atmosphere (Davis, 2002).

            Anley (2002) sated that the standard of equipment and materials should be of great importance in the teaching and learning process. According to him they have to foster Christian religious studies teaching activities which involve students in variety of stimulating activities.

The present study investigates the  problem and prospect of teaching and learning of Christian Religious Studies in --------------- local government area of Enugu State

Statement Of The Problem

            Over the years,the Christian religious studies chief examiners reports have revealed that apart from a relatively low proportion  of secondary school students   who perm creditably in the subject, most of the Students  do not well in it.

            This trend of low pupil performance in Christian religious studies has for some times been observed among Primary schools in the ----------------------------------------------. Although, concern has been expressed by parents, teachers and other  stakeholders about the abysmal performance of Primary schools  pupils in Christian religious studies no discernible efforts have been made to reverse the trend. Consequently there have been low students enrolments for Christian religious studies 

            The need for anintervention into the situation is urgent in view of the importance of Christian religious studies in the socio economic development of the nation in general and in the upper east region in particular.For this reason, this study was designed to determine the factors which combined effects have resulted in the prevalent poor performance of Primary schools  pupils in Christianreligious studies in the research area.

            The study will be structured to focus on Students ’ factors, teachers’ factors, school specific factors and instructional actors that affect the teaching and learning and pupil performance in Christian religious studies in the research area.


Purpose of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to investigate the factor responsible for poor academic performance of  students in christian religious studies  in secondary school   in -------- local Government area of  Enugu state

To be able to achieve this objective the following specific objective is considered:

1.      To investigate factors responsible for poor academic performance  in CRS among   secondary  school students 

2.      To determine whether the teacher commitment to teaching and work habit can be responsible for  students poor performance in CRS


3.      To determine whether teacher qualification, availability and use of teaching materials and parental involvement can causes poor performance  students in CRS

4.      To also determine students -teacher relationship on  have effect on students poor  academic  performance  in  CRS

5.      To offer suggestion on how the problem can be solved.

Researcher Question

This study thus attempts to find answers to the under mentioned research questions and find out where the problem lies:

1.                  What are the factors responsible for  students poor academic performance in CRS

2.                   To what extend does teacher commitment to teaching and work habit can be responsible for  students poor performance in  CRS

3.                  Does teacher qualification, availability and use of teaching materials and parental involvement can causes poor performance of   students in CRS

4.                  To what extent does  students -teacher relationship have effect on students’ academic  performance in CRS

5.                  What are  the suggested solution to the factors responsible for  students poor performance in CRS


Research Hypothesis

1.                  Is there any significant relationship between teacher commitment to teaching and work habit and    students performance   in CRS

2.                  Is there any relationship between teacher qualification and teaching environment and the performance of students in CRS

3.                  There is no significant difference on teacher qualification, availability and use of teaching materials and students poor performance

4.                   There is no significant relationship between students -teacher relationship and students poor academic  performance in CRS.

Significance of the study

            For any research to be useful it must contribute to the volume of existing knowledge of the field under investigation. In view of this, it is my conclusion that information obtained from this study will help address some of the problem that confront the effective teaching and learning of Christian religious studies at the JSS level of education. It is to suggest remedies that will make students learning of CRSinteresting and enjoyable.

            Teacherson the other hand will identify the problems with their methods of instruction and effects in the learningbehaviour of their students

            It is also to provide information to the ministry of education, the government and other education stakeholders to embark on intervention to promote the teaching and learning of Christian religious studies at the junior secondary school level.

            The researcher hopes to help the regional and district coordinators at the education office in ----------------------------------------------to upgrade their teaching and learning materials and evolve more time, more innovative strategies for the in-service training programme for Christian religious studies teachers.

            Additionally, the finding will augment the pool of data required by other educational researchers in their body to design interventions to solve educational problems in the teaching and learning of Christian religious Studies.

            In a nutshell, the findings and suggestions that willemerge from this study will aid in inexperienced as well as the reasoned Christian religious studies teacher to meaningfully teach Christian religious studies.


            Although the target population comprised primary school pupils and Christian religious studies teacher in ----------------------------------------------, Adamawa State . The study will make use of five selected primary schools in ---------------------------------------------- for the study.



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