Background of the Study
The use of the electronic sophisticated and automatic machine called computer has justified the saying of our time that the world is global village. The computer make work done conveniently and faster, Adedapo (2010). Large volumes of data with the aid of computers are processed automatically into information and distributed across the globe in few seconds. Individuals, organization and governments communicate with one another, transact business and share ideas without incurring transport expenses and risks of life through electronic information media with the aid of computer. The everyday life of the people around the globe has been entirely influenced by the computer as it is nearly used in every area of human endour be it industry, agriculture, economy, medicine etc. Agu (2005).
Due the wide spread use of computer around the around the planet earth and the fast growth of the computer industry, the teaching and learning of computer studies in schools emerged as a new subject. Therefore the teaching and learning of this computer studies with qualified competent teachers studies became paramount especially at the junior secondary level so as to catch them young, Osuala (2002). The effectiveness of teaching and learning of computer studies involves practical and it needs adequate facilities and equipment with the corresponding instructional materials. Therefore to tackle the problems militating against the teaching and learning of computer studies at the junior secondary school level, the needed facilities and instructional materials should be adequately provided. According to Nwachukwu (2000), instructional materials are the object that can be seen or touch which enable learners acquire knowledge, skills and attitude. Instructional materials makes lessons more meaningful and promote effective learning.
The teacher is a big question in the teaching and learning of computer studies. His qualification goes a long way to determine the effectiveness of computer studies in junior secondary schools. Gana (2004) have it that the performance of the students depend to a large extent on the competence of the teachers. Qualified professionally trained teachers have the professional skills to impact the desired knowledge to learners. Qualified teachers and the needed facilities for improved teaching and learning of computer studies are in short supplies and it hinders the effectiveness of computer studies in junior secondary school level.
Therefore, to tackle the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools, the needed facilities should be provided, qualified teachers should be employed to teach computer studies in junior secondary schools. The study will therefore, determine the possible solutions and strategies to tackle the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools.
Statement of the Problem
According to Osuala (2002). The emergence of teaching and learning of computer studies in present day educational system is a recent development. This development in education has raised some challenges to computer teachers which are even very few in supply. Therefore, there is need to tackle these challenges of teaching and learning of computer studies.
The major problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies are lack of facilities, inadequate number of qualified computer teachers and method of teaching and learning of computer studies.
These problems makes it imperative to the determine the various of ways of tackling the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State.
Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to identify the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Nsukka Local government area of Enugu State.
The study is specially aimed at identifying:
i. Facilities and equipment for teaching and learning of computer studies.
ii. Methods of teaching and evaluation in computer studies
iii. Qualification of Teachers teaching computer studies.
Research Questions
The following research questions are based on the objectives of the research. They are:
1. What are the needed facilities for teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior secondary schools.
2. What are the methods of teaching and Evaluation of computer studies in Junior secondary schools?
3. Are qualified teachers needed for teaching and Evaluation of computer studies in Junior secondary schools?
Significance of the Study
1. The study will enable the government and school administrators to provide the needed facilities for the teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools for efficient and effective computer studies.
2. The findings of the study will help the teachers to apply the appropriate methods of teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools which will help in producing sound computer literate and self reliant graduates.
3. The study will highlight the qualification for teaching computer studies in junior secondary schools which will enable the government to train and post professional teachers to the various secondary schools.
4. The study will encourage proper utilization of facilities by the teachers and students for effective computer studies in Junior secondary schools.
Scope of the Study
The researchers covered some secondary school where computer studies are taught. Due to constraints in both time and resources the researcher could only cover some secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Definition Of The Basic Concepts
Computer: According to Bakpo (2003) computer is an electronic machine which under the control of a stored program automatically accepts data in its memory units, manipulate the stored data according to the instructions given by the user and produces results as an output.
Also Ryan .E. (2010) defined computer as an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.
Computer studies: According to Collins (2014) computer studies is a course of study devoted to using and programming computers.
Teaching: According to Oforkansi (2008). Teaching is a deliberate effort by a mature or experienced person to impart information, knowledge, values, skills, norms (standard behavior), morals (moral values), attitude, language and so on to an immature or less experienced person through the process that is morally and pedagogically acceptable:
Learning: According to Umeano (2010 learning is the process whereby an organism changes its behaviours as a result of experience.
Background of the Study
The use of the electronic sophisticated and automatic machine called computer has justified the saying of our time that the world is global village. The computer make work done conveniently and faster, Adedapo (2010). Large volumes of data with the aid of computers are processed automatically into information and distributed across the globe in few seconds. Individuals, organization and governments communicate with one another, transact business and share ideas without incurring transport expenses and risks of life through electronic information media with the aid of computer. The everyday life of the people around the globe has been entirely influenced by the computer as it is nearly used in every area of human endour be it industry, agriculture, economy, medicine etc. Agu (2005).
Due the wide spread use of computer around the around the planet earth and the fast growth of the computer industry, the teaching and learning of computer studies in schools emerged as a new subject. Therefore the teaching and learning of this computer studies with qualified competent teachers studies became paramount especially at the junior secondary level so as to catch them young, Osuala (2002). The effectiveness of teaching and learning of computer studies involves practical and it needs adequate facilities and equipment with the corresponding instructional materials. Therefore to tackle the problems militating against the teaching and learning of computer studies at the junior secondary school level, the needed facilities and instructional materials should be adequately provided. According to Nwachukwu (2000), instructional materials are the object that can be seen or touch which enable learners acquire knowledge, skills and attitude. Instructional materials makes lessons more meaningful and promote effective learning.
The teacher is a big question in the teaching and learning of computer studies. His qualification goes a long way to determine the effectiveness of computer studies in junior secondary schools. Gana (2004) have it that the performance of the students depend to a large extent on the competence of the teachers. Qualified professionally trained teachers have the professional skills to impact the desired knowledge to learners. Qualified teachers and the needed facilities for improved teaching and learning of computer studies are in short supplies and it hinders the effectiveness of computer studies in junior secondary school level.
Therefore, to tackle the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools, the needed facilities should be provided, qualified teachers should be employed to teach computer studies in junior secondary schools. The study will therefore, determine the possible solutions and strategies to tackle the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools.
Statement of the Problem
According to Osuala (2002). The emergence of teaching and learning of computer studies in present day educational system is a recent development. This development in education has raised some challenges to computer teachers which are even very few in supply. Therefore, there is need to tackle these challenges of teaching and learning of computer studies.
The major problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies are lack of facilities, inadequate number of qualified computer teachers and method of teaching and learning of computer studies.
These problems makes it imperative to the determine the various of ways of tackling the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State.
Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to identify the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Nsukka Local government area of Enugu State.
The study is specially aimed at identifying:
i. Facilities and equipment for teaching and learning of computer studies.
ii. Methods of teaching and evaluation in computer studies
iii. Qualification of Teachers teaching computer studies.
Research Questions
The following research questions are based on the objectives of the research. They are:
1. What are the needed facilities for teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior secondary schools.
2. What are the methods of teaching and Evaluation of computer studies in Junior secondary schools?
3. Are qualified teachers needed for teaching and Evaluation of computer studies in Junior secondary schools?
Significance of the Study
1. The study will enable the government and school administrators to provide the needed facilities for the teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools for efficient and effective computer studies.
2. The findings of the study will help the teachers to apply the appropriate methods of teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools which will help in producing sound computer literate and self reliant graduates.
3. The study will highlight the qualification for teaching computer studies in junior secondary schools which will enable the government to train and post professional teachers to the various secondary schools.
4. The study will encourage proper utilization of facilities by the teachers and students for effective computer studies in Junior secondary schools.
Scope of the Study
The researchers covered some secondary school where computer studies are taught. Due to constraints in both time and resources the researcher could only cover some secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Definition Of The Basic Concepts
Computer: According to Bakpo (2003) computer is an electronic machine which under the control of a stored program automatically accepts data in its memory units, manipulate the stored data according to the instructions given by the user and produces results as an output.
Also Ryan .E. (2010) defined computer as an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.
Computer studies: According to Collins (2014) computer studies is a course of study devoted to using and programming computers.
Teaching: According to Oforkansi (2008). Teaching is a deliberate effort by a mature or experienced person to impart information, knowledge, values, skills, norms (standard behavior), morals (moral values), attitude, language and so on to an immature or less experienced person through the process that is morally and pedagogically acceptable:
Learning: According to Umeano (2010 learning is the process whereby an organism changes its behaviours as a result of experience.