The study aimed at assessing teachers’ and students’ variables on students academic Achievement in Chemistry in Ikere Local Government Area. In view of these, five research questions were formulated to guide the study. The sample for this study  comprise  one hundred thirty (130) students and twenty (20) Teachers selected from six secondary schools.  Simple random sampling technique was used to select the schools for the study. A well structured questionnaire was used for data collection and the data were analyzed using simple percentage, while regression analysis were used to test the generated hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance.  The study revealed that  there was a low positive relationship between teachers’ qualification and academic achievement of chemistry students, there was a high positive relationship between teachers’ working experience and academic achievement among chemistry students. The study also showed that there was high positive relationship between students’ age and academic achievement among chemistry students in senior secondary.  Based on the findings recommendations were made that qualified teachers  should be employed by government of Ekiti State for teaching in secondary school. It is also recommended that  chemistry students must cultivate good study habit and good interest in the subject. Through the ministry education, government should monitor all the schools and ensure that adequate instructional materials present to be used for learning process























Title page                                                                                                                   i          

Approval Page                                                                                                          ii

Certification                                                                                                              iii

Dedication                                                                                                                 iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                 v

Abstract                                                                                                                     vi

Table of contents                                                                                                     vii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                     

Background to the Study                                                                                        

Statement of the Problem                                                                                     

 Objective  of the study                                                                                          

 Research questions                                                                                                          

Research hypotheses                                                                                            

Significance of the study                                                                                       

Scope of the study                                                                                                  



Conceptual framework                                                                                           

Concept of academic achievement                                                                     

Concept of teacher’s variable                                                                              

Concept of Teacher Quality                                                                                  

Studies on teacher’s subject matter knowledge and achievement                  

Studies on Teacher’s pedagogical knowledge and achievement                  

Studies on Teacher-Student relationship and achievement                             

Influence of Teacher’s experience and achievement                                      

Teacher’s qualification and achievement                                                                    

Teacher qualities and students’ interest in Chemistry                                  

Theoretical framework                                                                                         

Empirical framework                                                                                        

Summary of literature                                                                                         

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY                                                        

Research design                                                                                                      

Area of the study                                                                                                     

Population of the study                                                                                          

Samples and sampling techniques                                                                      

Instrument for data collection                                                                               

Validation of the instrument                                                                                

Reliability of the instrument                                                                          

Administration of the instrument                                                                    

Data analysis techniques                                                                                                    



Respondents’ Demography Characteristics                                                     

Analysis of research questions                                                                             

Test of hypotheses                                                                                               








Background of the study

The world is fast becoming scientific in thinking and behaviors that without good knowledge of science, particularly Chemistry, it might be difficult for people to adequately function in it. The purpose of exposing children to science instruction right from primary school level is not necessarily to turn them into scientist per se but to provide favorable scientific attitudes of ‘finding out’ and ‘hands-on‘ and to enable them raise questions about things that intrigue them.

The acute shortage of science manpower for the 2nd National Development Plan was an indicator to the rapid growth in the number of Polytechnics in Nigeria. Despite this growth, however, a close appraisal of the third National Development Plan revealed yet a serious distortion. Today the credo in governmental circles is vision 20, 2020. This slogan presupposes that in the year 2020, Nigeria would be among the most economically advanced countries of the world. We however, are skeptical because the problems facing science education and technological development in Nigeria are yet to be addressed. Indeed, a developing economy requires a large pool of scientific manpower to sustain its development. Nigeria, however has failed dismally to prepare, equip and train adequate number of its citizens to cope with its developmental needs.

The issue of poor academic performance of students in Ekiti State has been of much concern to all and sundry. The problem is so much that it has led to the widely acclaimed fallen standard of education in the State and Nigeria at large. The quality of education depends on the teachers as reflected in the performance of their duties. Over time, students’ academic performances in both internal and external examinations had been used to determine excellence in teachers and teaching (Ajao, 2011 in Agharuwhe et al. 2009).

In recent times, the overall performance of students in science subjects in Ekiti State at the school certificate level has been generally not too impressive. Many distinguished scholars and personalities in the society have expressed concern about the situation.

The performance could be used to adjudge the readiness of Ekiti State and the country for its technological development. It is sad to note that the performance in this subject in Ekiti State educational system is very unsatisfactory. A critical look at some public examination results such as WAEC, repudiates the seriousness the Nigerian Educational policy attaches to this discipline which is manifested by skewing admissions into tertiary institutions to 60%, 70% and 80% (for conventional Universities, Polytechnics and Universities of Technology respectively) for science and technology based programme and the proliferation of technological and technical institution.

Considering government huge investment in public examination, its output in terms of quality of students has been observed to be unequal with government expenditure. Consequent upon the observed deterioration in the academic performance, attitude and values of secondary school students in public secondary schools, one wonders if the high failure rates and the poor quality of the students are not reflections of both the teacher and student variables. In other words, the ineffectiveness of both the teachers and the students in the classroom interaction could be responsible for the observed poor performance of students in Chemistry and the widely acclaimed fallen standard of education in Ekiti State.

Alabi (2018) identified the following among the variables that are responsible for students’ poor performance. Shortage of well trained teachers, inadequacy of teaching facilities, lack of funds to purchase necessary equipment, poor quality textbooks, large class/over, crowded classroom/laboratory/workshop, poorly motivated teachers, lack of laboratory and libraries. Observation shows that some other variables not mentioned in the above list but that may equally be responsible for students’ poor performance include teachers’ attitude toward students, ineffective teaching/competence of teachers, teachers qualifications, teaching style, attitude of student to science (Chemistry), learners background, student preparedness to learn, societal values, unstable political system, teachers absenteeism amongst others.

Statement of Problem

Over the years, students‟ achievement in Chemistry has prompted educational researchers to continuously make relentless efforts at identifying mitigating factors that might account for the observed poor performance. Some research studies suggest that factors inside and outside the classroom affect students‟ achievement and interest. Among other variables identified are: Students‟ poor study habit, low self-esteem, teacher factors (teacher’s quality), shortage of qualified teachers, and inadequate teaching facilities in Schools, home factor, school environmental factors and many others. Despite their efforts, students continue to exhibit poor performance in the subject.

In this vein, teacher’s factor has been linked to be one of the causes of students‟ poor performance, in this sense there is need to look into the quality of teachers in our secondary schools because effective teaching elicit effective learning. Teacher is the principal initiator of learning. Therefore, this study is designed to survey the teacher quality indicators as correlate of students‟ interest and achievement in Chemistry.

Objective of the study

The major objectives of this study is to assess teachers and students variable on students academic achievement in chemistry

The specific objectives are

1.      To  determine the extent  in which teachers variable with respect to teachers qualification and working experience  have impact on students performance in chemistry

2.      To find out if study habit have effect in the teaching and learning of chemistry

3.      To investigate if students attitude and interest have impact on students academic achievement in chemistry

4.      To find out the effect of teachers –students relationship on students academic achievement in chemistry.

5.       To investigate if teachers’ method of teaching have effect on students academic performance in chemistry.




Research Question

The following research questions were raised to guide the study

1.      To what extent teachers variable with respect to teachers qualification and working experience  have impact on students performance in chemistry

2.      Does students study habit have effect on the students’ academic achievement in chemistry

3.      To what extend does students’ attitude and interest have impact on students academic achievement

4.      What is the effect of teachers –students’ relationship on students’ academic achievement in chemistry?

5.      Does teachers’ method of teaching have effect on students’ academic performance in chemistry?

  Research Hypotheses

The following null hypothesis were generated to guide the study

1.      There is no significant difference between teachers variable with respect to teachers qualification and working experience    on students performance in chemistry

2.      There is no significant difference between teachers –student’s relationship on students’ academic achievement in chemistry.

3.       There is no significant difference on teachers’ method of teaching and students academic performance in chemistry.


Significance of the Study

The study examines teacher and students variable on students’ achievement in Chemistry. Findings from this study would be very useful to the teachers and other stake holders in Education sector on which of the quality indicators that contribute positively to students‟ achievement and interest in Chemistry, thereby charging them to work towards developing and applying it in classroom practices. The findings from the study will also bring to an end the long search by educational researchers, a remedy to the problem of students‟ poor performance in Chemistry. It will also be significant to the Education agencies to always monitor the quality of teachers they post to schools.

Scope of the Study

This study was carried out on senior secondary two (SS2) Chemistry students and their teachers in some selected Government owned secondary schools in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. The study covers the followings teaches’ qualification and working experience, teacher – students relationship, teachers method of teaching and school environment.



The chapter presents a review of related literature under the following sub-headings.

·        Conceptual framework

·        Concept of academic achievement

·        Concept of teachers variable

·        Concept of Teacher Quality

·        Studies on teacher’s subject matter knowledge and achievement

·        Studies on Teacher’s pedagogical knowledge and achievement

·        Studies on Teacher-Student relationship and achievement

·        Influence of Teacher’s experience and achievement

·        Teacher’s qualification and achievement

·        Teacher qualities and students’ interest in Chemistry 

·        Theoretical framework

·        Empirical framework

·        Summary of literature




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