Influence of improvisation in teaching basic technology in some selected schools in ogbomoso south.



The study intends to find out the Influence of improvisation in teaching Basic Technology in some selected schools in some selected secondary schools in in ogbomoso South.  Local Government Area of Osun State. The sample comprised of  one hundred (100) secondary school students and thirty teachers randomly sampled from 10 schools in the local Government Area. The data  collected was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistics. The findings revealed that students taught with improvised i materials performed better than those taught without improvised materials. Also there is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of male and female students. The null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance indicated that there is significant difference between the achievement scores of those taught with improvised instructional materials and those taught without improvised materials. It was therefore recommended that improved  materials be used in teaching in secondary schools because it has positive impact on student’s performance.








Technology as people said is the bedrock of any nations, a nation without technology can never develop, the word „technology‟ has often been misconstrued to relate only to professionals, and the schools has found it difficult to give it an appropriate place in the curriculum God‟swill (2010) clearly shown that the development of technology begins from the society and end with the society and that is in every technology, the overall aim is to exploit the existing scientific and other knowledge for useful ends. In view of the central position of technology in academics and the social economic of the nation, poor performance in it can be catastrophic, not only to the students but also to the society at large. Deficiency in technology can be a great limitation to any nation and the people. Inspite of the importance of Basic Technology in junior secondary schools, report from Education Research Centre (ERC) Kaduna Ministry of Education reveals that student‟s performance in Basic Technology has been generally poor. The result indicated that in the year 2010 only 42% passed the prescribed examination that is the education research centre examination at credit level, while 58% failed, also in the year 2011 only 39% passed at credit level while 61% failed. Ofili and Okore (2012) found that instructional video produced better learning outcome when used for teaching. The findings also revealed that male and female students performed equally better using instructional video package.

We are living in the era of science and technology where a child starts playing on a touch screen before he learns how to crawl. The power of technology has captured the minds of this generation, this can be seen in the field of education, the technology of teaching students in this competitive scenario is the use of improvised materials like  video. In developed countries, teacher useimprovised material and new technologies to facilitate learning, while in developing countries like Nigeria, research has it that 80% of teachers still make use of the conventional or traditional method of teaching to facilitate knowledge, this may look boring to the students after a while and the job of a teacher becomes only effective when he is able to pass knowledge to the students and the students is convinced by what is been delivered to them. (Ofili and Okoye, 2012 Pp. 18), in the same vein, Ogunleye (2000) states that the mind remembers three things, image, music and colour. The use of instructional video in the classroom has the power to help students grasp, visualize and explain difficult concepts. The key is for the teacher to use this technology effectively because some of the topics taught in Basic Technology may be abstract to the students, the use of instructional video will make it real and concrete. Ayogu (2000) laments that frequent use of lecture method for teaching in Nigeria does not provide for sequence of learning experiences.Ogunley (2000) reported that technology had not been effectively utilized for teaching and learning in most of the schools, therefore it has minimum impact on educational system. Educational technologists are of the view that audio and video instruction has high potential in teaching and learning situation (Abubakar, 2001; Yusuf, 1997).

          Many science teachers do not see improvisation as anything to talk about or labour for. This is simply because equipment are readily available in the market for teaching and learning. Improvisation is very important to teaching and learning of science. Roding top fatubarin (2001), improvisation in science teaching is described as an important issue in science education which has attracted a lot of contribution from science teachers. Science has been regarded as the bedrock of modern day technological breakthrough is built. Nowadays, countries all over the world, especially the developing ones like Nigeria, are striving hard to develop technologically and scientifically, science the world is turning scientific and proper functioning of lives depend greatly on science.

          Some of the equipment we use in teaching Basic Technology  can be improvised. There are discarded materials like milk tins, broken plastic, and some wood that can be used for improvisation. Many science teachers do not see improvisation as anything to talk about or labour for. This is simply because equipments are readily available in the market for teaching and learning. Improvisation in science subject is described as an important issue in science education which has attracted a lot of contributions from science teachers. According to Ogunleye (2002), science is a dynamic human activity concerned with understanding to working of our world. This understanding helps man to know more about the university. Without the applications of science, it would have been difficult for an to explore the other planets of the universe. Science comprises the basic disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics and Basic Technology . Many investigations have shown that primary school Students  are exhibiting dwindling interest in science.

          Statement Of The  Problem.

          Inspite of the desire for technological development, couple with the fact that Basic Technology  is a very vital subject for technological development and as such its teaching and learning as well as Students ’ poor academic performance have become a source of concerns to all stakeholders. The problem of the present study  is to investigate the effect of  using improvised materials on the  achievement of primary school Students  in Basic Technology . The main problem that calls for research work is the fact that teacher particularly those in primary school often ignore the use of improvised materials even when such materials are available in the school, some consider their use and improvisation  as waste of time.

1.2 Purpose Of The Study

          The purpose of this study is to find the Influence of improvisation in teaching Basic Technology in some selected schools in ogbomoso South

 Specially the study;

  1. Investigate the positive and negative attitude of Basic Technology teachers towards improvisation in teaching Basic Technology
  2. To investigate if students taught with improvised instructional materials perform better than students taught with conventional method.
  • To find out the problem associated with the use of improvised instructional materials in teaching Basic Technology .
  1. To determine the impact of improvation on students academic performance in Basic Technology .
  2. To find out the attitude of Basic Technology students towards the use of improvised materials.

1.4     Significance of the study.

          Findings from this study may reveal clearly the attitudes of Basic Technology  teacher towards improvisation. This will serve as a pointer to the prevailing condition in our schools. Both administrators and teachers, trainers may benefit from the findings and may enlighten them about the usefulness of improvised materials to the teachers, it may encourage them to know that some topics can be taught using improvised materials.

1.5     Research questions.

          The research questions formulated for the purpose of this study are stated below:

  1. What are the attitude of Basic Technology teachers towards improvised  materials?
  2. What are the impact of improvisation on students academic performance in Basic Technology ?
  • What are the problem associated with the use of improvised instructional materials in teaching Basic Technology?
  1. What are the attitude of Basic Technology students towards the use of Improvised materials?
  2. Does students taught with improvised instructional materials perform better than students taught without improvised instructional materials?

1.6     Research Hypotheses

          In addition to the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated and tested:

  1. There is no significant relationship between students taught with improvised instructional materials and those taught without improvised instructional materials.
  2. There is no significant relationship between attitude of male and female toward the use of improvised instructional materials on students academic performance.

1.7     Scope of the Study

          This research work investigate the influence of improvisation in teaching Basic Technology in some selected schools in ogbomoso South . The study is limited to all teachers and students in  secondary  school

 1.8    Definition of terms

          In order to make this study meaningful, some of the terms used are explained. The major concepts in this study which need clear definitions of their operational meaning as used in this terms are:

Improvisation: this is the process of devising a solution to a requirement by making do despite absence of resources that might be expected to produce a solution.

Instructional materials: these are materials or objects which aids teaching and learning in classroom.

Improvised instructional materials: it make teaching   more interesting to both students and teachers in the classroom.

Equipment: this is anything kept, furnished or provided for a specific purpose.

Teacher: it refers to as educator or schoolteacher who is a person who provide education for students.

Students: this is a pupil, is a learner or someone who attends an educational institution.

Academic performance: this is the requirement of students to maintain a satisfactory academic record and meet the obligations of the courses in which they are enrolled.



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