Causes of truancy in Ekiti State Primary School
For a long time now, attention has been drawn by the society and the press to the increasing number of children who for one reason or the other to attend school. It must be noted that this occurs among both male and female pupils.
The various government in Nigeria have continued to meet over this problem. About three years ago the Ekiti State government institution an instituted an inquiry to find out why a large number of pupils left their school for some where to indulge themselves in various undesirable behaviours.
In spite of fact that some recommendation have been made and carried out on the causes and treatments of truancy, the problem of truancy still remains among some primary school pupils in Ekiti State.
The study therefore; is to selected primary school pupils in Ekiti East Local Government Area of Ekiti State. This findings which include various remedial approaches will be of great value, not only to parents and teacher but to all other counselors as well.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors causing truancy among some selected pupils in Ekiti State Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
The major purpose therefore was:
- To ascertain the frequency of truancy in male and female pupils.
- To provide advance solution to the problem of truancy of the study area.
- To investigate how truants and non-truants pupils perceive the problem of truancy.
In recent years there had been increasing interest in pupil playing truancy and which had adverse effects on the academic performance of some primary schools pupils.
The problem of truancy, it is assumed, becomes more rampant during the farming season in the local government and this militates against school discipline.
According to Pete (2001) discipline over the nation of submission to rules or some kind of orders in this case, school rules and regulation are flouted. But peasant farmers, children who attend school usually succumb to their parents who force them to go farm during the farming season at the expense of the school attitudes. It is possible that during farming season, truancy may become major problem in primary school in this area.
The intention of this study, therefore is to ascertain the validity of the ascertain that truancy is rampant during farming period and is also that a caused factor in another area of town.
Truancy problem in Ekiti East Local Government Area.
The following research question were:
- What is the rate of truancy among the primary school public
- What is the relationship between the performance of foster and non-foster home?
- Does the attitude of teacher affect the performance of the pupils?
- Does the sex of the teacher affect the pupils regular attendance?
Truancy is related to the concept of discipline therefore this research will be of immense benefits to the school authorities, parents, pupils and school counselors.
It will open eyes of the school authorities more than ever before to have the thorough grasp of the truancy problem.
The results of the study will help the school authorities to educate parents on the causes of truancy among their children and also to assist them to adjust on welfare of their children.
Truancy is an adjustment problem and there relevant to guidance and counseling which calls for need to have trained counselor in our schools to help in combating the problem of truancy thereby enhancing the development of the pupils and national development as well.
With the prevention and reduction of training when its nature and causes are known, the individual pupil is more likely to overcome the instructional problem and educational objectives will appear to be easily achievable.
In conclusion, truancy which is prevalent in our primary schools is a disciplinary problems that can militate against the good intentions of the government on primary school education.
It will therefore be a meaningful exercise to carryout a investigation into the causes of truancy among pupils with specific reference to some selected primary school in Ekiti State.
The study area is limited to Ekiti East Local Government Area of Ekiti State. It is situated between latitude 100N and longitude 60W of the Greenwich meridian
Ekiti East Local Government Area is situated on a relatively low and about 100 meters above see level.
The climate is tropical training zone season can be grouped into two zones namely, rain and dry season.
The annual rainfall is between 100 and 150 centimeter which spread over a period of at least eight months of the year within the month of April to October.
It has an average temperature of not less than 250C. The vegetation and the soil conditions in this area encouraged the growth of both cash crops and food crops such as cocoa, coffee, maize, palm tree, cassava, yam, cocoyam etc.
Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of this area.
Over 75% of the working populations engage in farming and other occupations include trading, driving, palm wine taping, weaving etc.
Also, in term of educational position, there are 35 primary schools, 15 secondary school, one national training institute (N.T.I) (Grade Two) and Nigeria Certificate of Education (NCE) yet to be approved from Kaduna concerning the religions of this area, Christianity, Muslim and traditional religious are practiced.
Lastly, economics of this area are progressive. Over 50% of working population is engaged in industry rather than any other work.
Also, most of their wealth comes out of factories and industries are; Garri industry, palm oil industry and sawmill industry.
The following terms have been operationally defined for the purpose of the industry.
Truancy: This could be described as a person who deliberately stays away from duties at school or on a job because he dislike the place the people or responsibility.
Peer Group: This means age grade that comprises person playmates of roughly the same age academic achievement. This means the result of a pupil as a result of his/her continuous assessment.
Also, means the pupils career success in life after school, as a result of the influence of education on them.
Academic Performance: This is the grade make that an individual pupils scores in class work or examination as used in comparison with the effect of truancy on their (pupils) academic performance.
Psychological: It means welfare, waged by trying to influence people ideas and benefits.
Tenaciously: This means the refusing to let person go to some where.
Maladjusted: This could be termed as a person that unable to adopt himself properly to this environment.
Proliferation: This means grow or reproduce or rapid multiplication of things.
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