Title Page………………………………………………….                     
Approval Page ……………………………………………                      
Table of contents…………………………………………..                     
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background of the study…………………………………                       
Statement of the Problem……….………………………..                       
Purpose of the Study…………………………………….                        
Significance of the Study………………………………..                        
Scope of the Study ………………………………………            
Research Questions …………..………………………….                     
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
Definition of Agricultural Science Education …………...                         
  Teaching and Learning of Agricultural Science ………..              
Types of Instructional Resources                                                                
Importance and uses of instructional resources ………………             
Factors affecting the instructional resources usage…………...             
Problems militating against effective use of agricultural             
 science instructional resources ………………………………                
Empirical studies ……………………………………………                  
Summary of the literature reviewed ………………………..                  
CHAPTER THREE: Methodology
Research Design ……………………………………………                   
Area of the Study …………………………………………..                  
Population of the Study …………………………………….                  
Sample of the Study ……………………….………………..                  
Description of Instrument ……………………………………                
Validation of the Instrument …………………………………               
Method of Data Collection ……………………………………              
Techniques of Data Analysis …………………………………              
CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis of Data
Results …………………………..……………….…………..                   
Discussion of Findings ………………………………………                
CHAPTER FIVE: Conclusion and Recommendations
Summary … ….………..…………………………..………...                  
Conclusion ….……………………………………………….                  
Recommendations …………………………………………..                  
REFERENCES ………………………………….…………                    
APPENDIX ...........................................................................            

The project was designed to find out resources available for teaching of Agricultural Science in secondary schools in Ijero local government area of Ekiti State. The population for the study comprised 50 Agricultural Science teachers in ten secondary schools in the local government. Questionnaire was the major instrument used for data collection to examine the resources available for teaching of Agricultural Science in secondary schools and the data was analysed with the use of mean deviation.  From the study, the result showed that the resources for teaching Agricultural Science were not adequately available. The result also showed that majority of the schools do not have Agricultural Science laboratory and the few ones available were not well equipped. Based on the result, the following recommendations were made; adequate provision should be made for well-equipped Agricultural Science laboratory and library with relevant textbooks, magazines and journals. Government should make fund available for schools to purchase the needed resources or supply the instructional resources to the school adequately. Also, the available instructional resources should be properly managed to prevent wastage.

 Background of the Study
  Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the land and rearing of animals for the purpose of providing food for man, feed for animals and raw materials for the manufacturing industries. Agriculture is part of the culture of Nigerians this is because young people are informally educated agriculturally as early as six years of age, which may be regarded as a period of apprenticeship in the life of a Nigerian.
            Agriculture however, is covered basically with husbandry of crops and animals for food and other purposes. It is the foundation upon which the development of stable human communities such as villages and towns depend in all parts of the world.
          Agriculture has contributed much to the country’s economy, some of the importance of agriculture are as follow:
        i.            It provides essential commodities such as fibre and shelter which are vital for comfortable living.
      ii.            It provides food for individual workers and all other workers who do not engage in Agriculture themselves.
    iii.            Agriculture supplies most of the raw materials used in industries. Examples are cotton, rubber, cocoa, groundnut and timber.
    iv.            Agriculture provides market for industrial goods such as insecticides, fungicides and fertilizer.
      v.            It serves as foreign exchange earners for the country.
    vi.            It provides employment opportunity for many categories of people. In Nigeria, about 65 - 80% of the populations are engaged in farming and related operation.
New nation policy on Education (2002) includes Agricultural Science among the core subjects to be taught in all secondary school. The policy also prescribed the teaching of Practical Agricultural at J.S.S. level. The objective of the natural curriculum for J.S.S. is to provide adequate orientation for the integration of Agricultural Science with production work at school and to prepare students for further activities in Agriculture.
Agricultural Science Education was also introduced into Nigeria secondary schools so as to provide students with adequate skills to make living and progressively advance in farming.
          Advance food production through improvement of Agricultural production technique acquired by the students equip them well to be able to live effectively and conveniently in the modem age science and technology.
The curriculum further recommended that;
                                 i.            Each student is guaranteed adequate equipment, farm space, farm structure and regular, supply of fertilizer and animal feeds
                               ii.            In addition to having a farm land, each school should keep at least two types of farm animals.
                            iii.            Students’ achievement should be continuously assessed through various forms of test and during field and laboratory practical.
                             iv.            Individual assessment should be carried out on activities in crop production, while group assessment should be restricted to performance in animal production activities.
Agricultural education is one of the vocational subjects in secondary setting. Education has been defined as the process whereby desirable changes in human behavior are produced within people. It can also be defined as the means of acquiring knowledge attitude and belief. However, for teaching and learning to be meaningful, adequate resources must be available. Teaching resources are all the things used for effective learning to take place. The tools of the teaching-learning process and they clarify, motivate, sustain, interest, explain, enhance linage and positively change attitudes of the learners in the right direction.
          Teaching resource include materials, equipment, techniques, certain message and people that are used to enhance the teaching process. Learning resource in education can be divided into three; these are human, material and physical facilities. Human resources are the teacher, learners, administrators, member of the community, a vocational expert like curriculum planers and designers’ librarian, guidance counselors, education technologist and evaluators.
The physical facilities are building and other environmental variables. The building includes all the structures within the school environment like classroom, offices library, workshop studio, laboratory, store and their auxiliary structure, poultry and piggery
The environment variable can be space the temperature lighting condition, the sand and the beauty of the school environment. All these variables must be adequately exhibited within any of the structure for effective teaching and learning to take place.
Educationally, these resources performs the following functions
           i.            They help to improve the research and facilitate teaching learning process.
         ii.            They also bring the teachers and students closer in a planned and controlled atmosphere for mutual benefits.
Agricultural science is a practical oriented subject which cannot be taught in abstract, there is need for adequate provision and utilization of teaching facilities for effective teaching and learning of the subject. Nigeria as a developing nation is faced with the problems of expansion of school population and scarcity of teachers.
Therefore to be able to cope with the large number of students in the class and effective learning to take place in the learners, the teacher needs instructional facilities that will assist him/her in teaching.
The instructional facilities should be available and adequate for the teacher use.
Statement of the Problem
In schools, Agricultural Science as a practical or vocational subject is been reviewed as a labour intensive subject where cutlasses and hoes are frequently used for the cultivation of crops on the schools farm.
Despite the fact that there are some facilities available for the teaching of Agricultural Science in secondary schools and teachers are being trained by the government to handle this subject at the Junior and Senior schools levels, yet the resources available are not enough for effective teaching of Agricultural Science in secondary schools. The major concern of this study is therefore to examine resources available in the teaching of Agricultural Science in Secondary School in Ijero Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
Purpose of the Study
   The main purpose of this study is to identify the available resource for the teaching of Agricultural Science in secondary schools in Ijero Local Government Area of Ekiti State, specifically the study seeks to;
              i.            Identify the resources available for the teaching of agricultural science in secondary schools.
           ii.            Examine the utilization of the available resources.
         iii.            Identify the problems that affect the availability of the resources.
         iv.            Identify roles of the school authority and government in the supply of the resources.
            v.            Suggest possible solution to the problem.
Significance of the Study
          The study is significant in a number of ways to students, teacher, community and government. The students will benefit from this study in the sense that they will be able to put what they learn theoretically into practice through the resources available in the schools. The students interest and attitude will increase towards practical agriculture as a result of adequate resources in the schools.
Teachers will benefit from this study by improving their teaching methods, educate them more on adopting other methods of teaching and it will also help to improvise using locally available material as teaching aids, thus reducing cost and increasing efficiency in the community. Government will also understand some of their responsibility that can promote practical agriculture for profitability in secondary schools.
The study will also assess and recommend to government, teachers and students possible ways of improving teaching and learning of agricultural science.

Scope of the Study
The present economic situation nationwide posed a serious problem on this study, consequently the project could not be very extensive and more elaborate due to financial constraints. Distance and time also limited the researcher ­­­­­in covering the entire secondary schools in Ijero local government area of Ekiti State.
Research Questions
In conducting this research, the following research questions were formulated to guide the study.
                          i.            What resources are available for teaching and learning of Agricultural Science in secondary schools?
                       ii.            How does the teacher of Agricultural Science utilize the available resources?
                     iii.            What are the problems that affect the availability of resources?
                     iv.            What are the roles of school authority and government in the supply of the resources?
                        v.            What are the ways of solving the identified problems?


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