Background of the study
Indiscipline is a great problem facing effectiveness
of work in the public and private sectors and in schools system in particular.
It has generated bribery, corruption, nepotism, hooliganism, riot, lawlessness,
vandalism, absenteeism in the wider society in general and truancy, wanton
destruction of property, cheating, examination mal-practices in junior secondary
schools in Ikere local government area.
to Oxford Advanced learners Dictionary (7th editions) failure is lack of
success in doing or achieving something. It is pertinent (relevant) to know
that everybody in every works of life is afraid of failure. According to
America Heritage (R) Dictionary, failure is lack of discipline or restraint
(control) while failure to fulfill promise is called indiscipline.
Indiscipline is a rudimentary ingredient that plays a crucial role in
school system, which Insist on upholding the moral values of students. It
comprises a wide spectrum of meaning, well from the negative or positive
perspective i.e a particular attitude towards something. Indiscipline is an act
of not conforming to an order, policies, procedures, rules and regulation of a
society. The issue of indiscipline is one of the social problems among the
students. The effect of indiscipline are manifested in all works of life
including the smooth running of schools. However, indiscipline means the
absence of discipline. Thus where indiscipline reigns, disciplines is lacking.
Discipline, according to Jemibewon (1976) is a highly
desirable quality of human being or social group. Discipline behavior is
accepted as essential characteristics of any educated or cultured person.
Discipline, therefore, is a subject of great concern to parents, teachers, and
administrators who are interested in the moulding of the character of young
According to Edem (1982),
he stated that indiscipline as a violation of school rules and regulations is
capable of obstructing the smooth and orderly functioning of the schools system
and should be consequently avoided through perfect orientation of students and
imposition of positive sanction in case of obvious violation of the order. Dittiniya
(1996), said that indiscipline could be regarded as any act that does not
conform with the societal values and norms. Indiscipline takes many forms and
shapes depending on how it is being carried out in its assorted forms.
Indiscipline is also a distinctive and undeserving element to progress,
training or mode of life in accordance with rules. Consequently, lack of
indiscipline relate to misbehavior in any form. Indiscipline act is that
situation where students set aside the school rules and regulations and do what
they like and leave undone what they are expected to do. Indiscipline is any
act that is inconsistent with the set-down rules and regulations governing a
learning situation.
Therefore, indiscipline in
secondary schools is also one of the major problem facing our society today.
Discipline therefore, is a subject of great concern to parents, teachers, and
administrators who are interested in the moulding of the character of young
Schon, D. (1993) aptly
states that every child has a need to attend school. Schools are seen as
provider of education as education is an important process that each individual
has to undergo in life today. Thus, education is seen as the key to unlock the
treasure prove of knowledge i.e valuable things that are found hidden or whose
owner is unknown student's misbehaviour is a prevailing problem affecting
schools not only in Nigeria but also across the many countries around the
Students’ misconduct in the classroom interferes with teaching and
learning and is thought to be precursor to later school dropout and similar
negative social out-comes. Student's behaviour problems are also thought to be
a leading contributor to teacher's stress and attrition (Making somebody
weaker). Teacher's subjected to abuse report experiencing fears for their
intense feeling of anger, humiliation or shame, Isolation and depression.
The school as agent of
socialization and training is responsible for molding our future leader and
improving manpower needed in our society.
The school as an organization should be able to delivers humanitarian services,
which is geared towards the betterment to the government and the society. Such
as the ability to inculcate moral, punctuality, regularity, honesty and
dedication of work. This means the school should be able to produce disciplined
Pupils who will later become good citizens are free from any indiscipline act
be it drug addiction, gambling, truancy school or other vices.
However, in schools has
for some time now attracted the attention of the media and the general public.
Indiscipline, which serves as a major source of some social vices in Nigeria is
of great concern to the parents, government and teachers such vices include
stealing, pocket picking, drug abuse among youth also constitute nuisance to
the government and society.
However, Therefore, indiscipline in secondary schools is also one of the
major problem facing our society today. (Making somebody weaker). Teacher's
subjected to abuse report experiencing fears for their intense feeling of
anger, humiliation or shame, Isolation and depression. Some teenagers may never
reveal the nature of the incident or it's impact on them in such cases, the
confidence of the teachers has been undermined, his/her sense of personal
safety related and the perpetration has not been conditioned. Salvin, R.E
(2003). One of the most wide-spread reasons for bad discipline however is
usually students inability to cope with the task. Schools which are
fundamentally expected to assist in building up people for the good of the Society.
Family as agent of socialization could have significant impact on the child.
This is evident from the fact that is the first place, which the child learns
about the environment and the world at large. Parents inculcate in the child
their acquired behavioural patterns.
Finally, it could be seen
that nearly all, if not all the secondary schools in Ikere Local government
Statement of the problem
Education is the bedrock of development of any
country. Indiscipline in schools is a great threat as to the life of the
society. It has been repeatedly said that the children of today are the leaders
of tomorrow. These points suggest to the regular study of the behaviour that
they do not drift out of the path approved by the society of which they part
and the future hope.
Discipline continues to be a growing problem in our schools. Students’ indiscipline generally
militates against effective teaching, learning and production of useful members
of school. Academic excellence is everybody's wish for himself and his
relations. During the colonial days some people know the efficacy in education.
It is with dismay (a worried, sad feeling) to observe the damaged academic
indiscipline has done to our schools even our secondary schools which the preparatory stage of higher education. Teachers
are not coping well with the implementation of the curriculum, hence the low
achievement of the product of secondary schools illiteracy, innumeracy (unable
to court or do simple mathematics) and basic skills. The value system in the
country has made everybody to be corrupt. Lack of adequate infrastructural
facilities such as teaching aids, buildings, transport, water and power
supplies etc have led to academic indiscipline and failure among secondary
school students.
Purpose of the Study
It is ideal to investigate into academic indiscipline
and failure among secondary school students based on these objectives:- In this
article I will present a definition of discipline and the causes of
indiscipline. In the next article I will suggest ways to instill discipline and
how disciplinary action should be undertaken to ensure a smooth classroom
To critically define indiscipline and failure in
secondary schools.
To investigate the extent to which home influence discipline
in school
To investigate on how teachers equipped to carryout the job
Influence of peer group on discipline of junior secondary
To investigate into the causes of academic indiscipline and
failure into our schools.
f. To recommend possible
ways of cubing academic indiscipline and failure among secondary school
Scope of the Study
This study was
limited to junior secondary school in Ikere Ekiti. Sampled students in Ekiti
state junior secondary students formed the sampled population consisted of
Bobas high school, Demonstration secondary school, Eleyo secondary school and Amoye
secondary school students. This research work is aim at covering the
investigation into academic indiscipline and failure among students in junior
secondary schools in Ikere local government Area in Ekiti state.
Significance of the Study
The need for investigating into the secondary schools
in Ikere south local government Area can not be over emphasized. Thus, it is
well known that the beginning of organized society is the struggle against
This study would be of immense help to the secondary
school students as it would investigate clearly why our students are involved
in academic indiscipline and why they fail woefully in their examination. It
will also want to find out positive and lasting solution towards their being
made better examination candidates.
Research Questions
The following Research question guided the study
1. To what extent does parents influence contribute to indiscipline among
secondary school students?
2. To what extent does teachers’ attitude towards the students contribute
to indiscipline among secondary students?
3. To what extent does government activities contribute to indiscipline
among secondary school students?
4. To what extent does peer-group influence contribute to indiscipline
among secondary school students?