The objective of this research was to find out the relationship between students performance in Computer Studies and Mathematics in junior secondary school III.
One hypothesis was generated there is no relationship between the performance of the students in Computer Studies and Mathematics in junior secondary school.
The data was subjected to statistical using correlation co-efficients and students distribution to find the relationship from the result, it was observe or concluded that there is no relationship between the performance of the students in Computer Studies and Mathematics in junior secondary school.
The findings also resulted into create more relationship between Computer Studies and Mathematics in junior secondary school.
The recommendations were directed to the school authority, the students, the directed to the school authority, Computer studies and Mathematics teacher that what they would do to create more relationship between the performance of the study in Computer and Mathematics in J.S.S. III.

Title page                                                                                i
Certification                                                                            ii
Dedication                                                                               iii
Acknowledgement                                                                   iv-v
Abstract                                                                                  vi-vii
Table of Contents                                                                    viii-x
Introduction                                                                            1
Background to the study                                                                   1-6
Statement of the Problem                                                                  6-7
Purpose of the study                                                               7
Research Questions                                                                 7
Significance of the study                                                                   7-8
Delimitation of the study                                                                  8
Scope of the study                                                                            8-9
Definition of terms                                                                            9

Literature Review                                                                    10
The meaning of Computer                                                       10-11
National Programme on Computer Education                        11-17
Terms of Reference                                                                  17-19
Need for Computer Education in Schools (Secondary)           19-21
Problems and Prospects of Computer                                              21-24
Research Methodology                                                            25
Research Design                                                                      25
Population of the study                                                           25
Sample and Sampling Technique                                            26
Instruments                                                                                       26
Conduct of the study                                                               26
Data Analysis Techniques                                                       27
Validation of Instrument                                                                   27-28
Results and Discussion                                                           29
HQ: Table 1                                                                             29-30
HQ: Table 2                                                                                      31
HQ: Table 3                                                                                      32
HQ: Table 4                                                                                      33
Discussion of Findings                                                            34
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation                          35
Summary                                                                                 35
Conclusion                                                                              35
Recommendation                                                                     35-36
REFERENCES                                                                      37-38

Background to the study
Science is viewed by Hurley (1975) as organized common sense, the systematizing and classifying of knowledge and the ability of verify the existence and objectivity of knowledge and are meant to the significant components of science.
Hurd (1970) claimed that science is a process of things, a means of acquiring new knowledge and a means of understanding the natural world.
Also science is problem seeking as well as problem solving.  In a more classical way, science has been described as developed as a result of experimentation and observation.
Science is said to have many discipline like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer etc all of which deal with the explanation of what is observe in nature.  Although computer has been in existence as early as 1940.
The ideas of such a machine was first conceived as early as 1888 by Charles P. Babbage. Charles Babbage a professor of Mathematics at combridge University, England wanted to build a machine capable of calculating any equation stored into it.
Also to have a sequential program control with the introduction of Computer science into the educational system in Nigeria, several questions have been raised with supposedly new way of teaching and learning science.  Questions were asked about what the students exposed to computer science should be able to do.  In a attempt to answer this question the skills which computer science is suppose to develop in students were listed as follows:
i.                        Observing carefully and thoroughly
ii.                        Reporting completely and accurately what is observed
iii.                        Organization of information
iv.                        Designing experiments (including controls where necessary) to check prediction.
·                    Organization information acquired
·                    Using models to explains phenomena where appropriate
·                    Continuing the process of enquiry when the new data do not confirm to predication.
Also, Mathematics is a creation of the human mind concerns primary with ideas, process and reasoning.  Thus Mathematics is more than arithmetic, the science of number and computation, more than algebra, the language of symbols and relations more than geometry, the study of shape, sizes and space.
It is greater than numerical trigeonometry, which is the study of the relationship between the size of any triangles and the angles.  It is more than statistics the sciences of collection, presentation analysis and interpretation of data and graph.  It is more than calculus, the study of change, infinity and limits so Mathematics is one of care subjects in both secondary and foundation on which all science subject and technology stand.
Butter (1970) sees Mathematics as a cumulative and continuously unfolding subject and concludes that understanding new topics required the mastery of the old.
Many ideas in the course of the history of Mathematics that were not accepted immediately but eventually proved useful.
Other were accepted and then discussed in favour of yet different ideas Mathematics is a free creation.
Mathematics was beginning to understand that one axiomatic system have been studied of effort is acted in this way as one general theory many get rid of the need for many special theories which the more general one encompasses, often a familiar subject are seen to be special cases for the same general theory.  By means of this analogy, the familiar subject can be used profitably to study the unfamiliar subject.
Mathematics holds a rather unique place in our society today apparently; a Mathematics is often seen as people withdraw from the world unable to relate well to other people.
Generally, attitude of people in our society towards Mathematics is an interesting conseq2uence of school Mathematics experts.
Mathematics helps to understand our environments in order to understand his world in which we like Mathematics is an invaluable tools imagine trying to describe and work with physical relationship without the concept and visual images of geometry.
Mathematics and society are interdependent in addition to helping us to understand our environment.  Mathematics has important effects upon the development of the society in which we live, an effect that is reciprocal.  The society has in turn influenced the development of Mathematics.  Our knowledge of Mathematics influence the way to view the world.  We at this very moment live through in fold and unforeseen changes in our society and Mathematics as a consequence of the refinement of the electronic computer.  What parts of our daily existence remain untouched.
Mathematics is an abstract system of ideas.  If the heart of things Mathematically, we shall show how to organize experience to bring out the abstract nature of Mathematics.
The role played by Mathematics is at primary importance.  Helping students being to formulated concepts of nature of Mathematics is equally important Mathematics stands as example of what height measure when he relict upon his powers of reasoning.  The use of deduction in Mathematics provides thus discipline with unique quality of determination doubt.  The use of logic alone would serve to establish a universal position for Mathematics among many fields of endavour in modern society.
Mathematics is the study of patterns it ahs already been mentioned that there are regularities and similarities in nature that would escape us entical 18 it were not for the mathematical descriptions available to us.  The most remarkable fact about this is that study of problems in react would trigger the development of the mathematics.  Despite the fact that now mathematics frequently has little apparent application to anything in the physical would, rust as often.  Some later us is found to assist an in his continual question for progress.
Mathematics is the language to science and therefore the means of communication between scientists, the lose nature ties between mathematics and science need to be exploited in the school.
Statement of the Problem
The study is designed specifically to investigate the relationship between the students performance in computer science and mathematics in junior secondary school Examination or Eleyo High School, Ikere – Ekiti, Ekiti State.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is relationship between students performance in computer science and mathematics in junior secondary school examination.  It is also to find out if a student who has high achievement in mathematics will equally perform very well in computer science in junior secondary examination i.e. to find out if mathematics can be used as predictor of success in computer science in junior secondary school.
Research Question
          For the purpose of this study, the following hypothesis are for formed.
          There is no relationship between the students performance in computer science and mathematics in the J.S.S. Two examination.
Significances of the study
          The study will help both the teachers and students to know and detects the relationship between the student ability in computer science and mathematics in junior secondary school examination in Eleyo High School, Ikere – Ekiti, Ekiti State.
Delimitation of the study
          This research will help in delimitation and also in finance delimitation.  The delimitation in the sense that if the research is based on Eleyo High School, it will give a time to investigate thoroughly than going too far distance.
This study will only taken into consideration with the relationship between computer science and mathematics in Eleyo High School.  Because of the time factor and the duration of the course.  The study is carried out on J.S.S. III student of the Eleyo High school Ikole – Ekiti.
Scope of the study
          The scope of the study is to identify the class in which the subject is taken i.e. Junior Secondary School.  The subject, computer science is not offer in junior services as mathematics.  The subject computer science is not offer in Senior classes and mathematics is offered in senior class.  The study is limited to Eleyo High school because of the genes sand finance.
Definition of Terms
In service teachers: teachers who are imparting knowledge to the computer science and mathematics learners.  Those that are currently teaching the subject under investigation population.
These are the total number of people or students used in the study.
Teacher teaching experience: These are the number of years a teacher had in computer science and mathematics or the subject part into the teaching profession.
Difficulties Experienced: These are the type of difficulties face by teachers in the teaching of the subject (computer science and mathematics J.S.S. Junior Secondary.
Computer science and Mathematics: The entirely of subject area to be covered in the school.


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