This study identified the issue and problem in the teaching of large classes in selected secondary school in Aramoko local Government Area of Ekiti State.
          The data for the study was collected by the use of questionnaire.  Percentages were used to analyze the data.
          The study revealed that most of the Social Studies teachers in Secondary School are N.C.E holders with few years of experience.  It also showed the implication of large classes for the teaching of Social Studies.  It was also discovered that instructional materials were not adequate.
          To solve these problems it is recommended that the number of students in each Social Studies class should be reduced to a maximum of thirty to a teacher, as against the current position in some of the schools sampled where it is found that some classes are over – populated with up wards of between 45 – 50 pupils more experienced and qualified Social Studies teachers should be employed for an improvement in the standard of the teaching of Social Studies in Secondary School not only within the local government under study but in all schools across the states.

Title page
Table of Content
Background to the study
Statement of the Problem
The Significance of the study
Area pf study
Scope of study
Definition of items
Literature review
Social Studies teaching
Large class
Teaching large classes
Teachers perception
Objectives of Social Studies
Research Methodology
Research design
Population of the study
Data collection
Data analysis
Data analysis and discussion
Summary and conclusion
Sample of questionnaire

1.2     Background of the study
An important feature in the introduction of Social Studies teaching is the attempt to eradicate social vices in the society.  Therefore, Social Studies is seen as capable of developing social cohesion and the desirable values which society wants to hold.
As a school subject, Social Studies integrates facts, concepts and generalization from a number of disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, geography, religion studies, economics, political science and even history.  According to Makinde (2009), all these subjects are referred to as branches of a tree with a common stem.
Social Studies teaching plays an important role in the understanding of our society in as mush as the study of the subject involves the study of MAN in his physical and social environment.  Thus, man is made the central figure and is looked at in relation to what he is, his needs as clothing, shelter and the like.
Recent empirical approach to studies shows that Social Studies teaching has been facing series of problems in which a research carried out by Adeyoying (1977), revealed that Social Studies as an amalgamation of history geography and civic has show that teachers who so conceptualize Social Studies, teach the topics outlines in bits.  What we see in such classes is an emphasis on history perspective in one class period, geographical facts is the next.  The teacher approaches his subject with an emphasis on facts and therefore results to lecturing.
Literature shows that majority of teachers who handle Social Studies teaching in Secondary Schools are teachers in other disciplines like government, geography, history and other social sciences; therefore, a number of problems has been facing the teaching of Social Studies.  It would be of great importance to locate the extent of these problems and proffer solutions to them.
1.2     Statement of the Problem
The study inquires into teachers’ perception of the problem and issues in the teaching of large classes in Social Studies with particular reference to Junior Secondary School in Aramoko local government area of Ekiti State.
          Among the assumed and to be examine issues in Social Studies teaching are the following:
1)                The general condition of schools;
2)                The teaching atmosphere;
3)                Teaching method;
4)                Evaluation and realization of objectives;
5)                Students – students interaction;
6)                The teachers’ perception of the problem and;
7)                Solution from the teachers perceptive.
1.3            Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to find out the effects and issues of teaching large classes in Social Studies, how to formulate such classes and proffer solutions to any problem and issues that might crop up.
1.4            The Significance of the study
This study is expected to produce authentic data to judgment on how teachers perceive the teaching of large classes in Social Studies.  It is hoped that the results of the study will provide an insight for Social Studies decision makers and teachers on how to tackle the problems and issues that might crop up in the teaching of large classes in Social Studies.  Findings are expected to enable teachers and decision makers to cope with the nature of such large classes.  The scope, content of topics, and to use in teaching the topics in such large classes and how to handle the classes.
Conclusively, having carried out the study (research), the result, would be of tremendous assistance to teachers of Social Studies and educational planners on how to tackle the issues and problems of Social Studies teaching in view of large classes in Ekiti State and the country as a whole.
1.5            Area of Study
The area of the study is Aramoko local government area of Ekiti State Secondary Schools.
1.6            Scope of Study
This study is limit to covered problem and issues in the teaching of large classes in Social Studies in Aramoko Local Government area of Ekiti State.
1.7            Definition of Terms
Social Studies: A broad field encompassing the Social Science, the citizenship education, ethnics study, valve education and everything else that had come down the Social Studies pike in recent years the modern attempt at interdisciplinary and inter – related study of a topic, a problem and matters that need to be clarified a concern or an appreciation a problem approach through which man studies and leans about problems of survival in his environment.
Teaching: Is an act of giving instruction, educating, instructing, training, teaching and imparting knowledge for the purpose of changes in behaviours.
Large Class: The environment of the teacher student ration increased specifically at the primary and secondary school levels.  Information from statistics reveals that Nigeria has the highest rate of environment compared with other African countries in their educational institutions at all levels.
Problems: A problem is an obstacle which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal, objective or purpose.  It refers to a situation, condition or issue that is yet unresolved.
Social Problems: In abroad sense, a problem exists when an individual beasmesaware  of a significant difference between what actually is and what is desired.
Issues: Are matters which directly or indirectly affect many or all.


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