The reason for this investigation is to examine the opinion that urban secondary school students have better on teaching and learning academically in all subjects than rural secondary school students.
However, the scope of the research project was limited to four selected local government areas in Ondo State.
To carry out the investigation it was hypothesized that, there is difference in the performance of urban and rural secondary school students in Economics.  The urban students score better grades than rural secondary school students.
Relevant assessment about ht subject matter was administered to an unselected sample of 2009 S.S. 1 students in rural areas.  The scores obtained from the test, the urban school students have higher scores than rural secondary school students.

Title page                                                                            
Table of Contents                                                                   
1.0     INTRODUCTION                                                                  
1.1            Background of the study                                                        
1.2            Statement of Problem                                                  
1.3            Objective of the Study                                                 
1.4            Research Questions                                                      
1.5            Significance of the study                                                        
1.6            Scope of the study                                                                  
1.7            Definition of terms                                                                 
2.1     Literature Review                                                         
2.2     Urban and Rural Environment for Learning                          
2.3     Effect of parent on education on children                      
3.0     Research Methodology                                                 
3.1     Research Design                                                          
3.2     Population and Sampling                                             
3.3     Instrumentation                                                            
3.4     Method of Data Analysis                                                       
4.0            Research Question and Discussion in Teaching
& Learning of Economics                                             
5.1            Summary                                                                      
5.2            Conclusion                                                                    
5.3            Recommendation and Suggestion for further  finding   

1.1            Background of the study
In the present Nigerian society, the standard of Education is falling and Education provided in the rural areas is very poor due to un – stimulating nature of the environment.
Our rural areas are ladened with poverty deprivation, inadequate water supply, inadequate electricity and poor learning condition.
These factors have a direct influence on the learners.  It is observed that most schools in the rural areas are poorly staffed.
This was asserted by Dr. Tai Solarin that “most schools will richly feather their nets and leave underprivileged schools in the rural areas with no teacher”.
With this views this research work is to find out the opinion which says that urban secondary school students are better academically in all subjects than rural secondary school students.
Economics is used as a research subject.
Generally two local governments have been selected in Urban and Rural secondary school in Ondo State representing boths centres.
Education (Western) was brought to Nigeria in 1842 by the missionaries.  Schools were set up by then to train the Nigeria children, these schools were boarder and the day school a day student.  This was due to the fact that they wanted to train the students in a complete European environment in Nigeria without any influence by the Nigerian society.  This they were able to achieve greatly.
In 1925, when the government of Nigeria joined hand with the Europeans to finance education it was also in the same vein as the curriculum that was operated by them and the mode of executive of the education programmes were totally European.  There was a “madrush” for western education with particular interest in schools with boarding house and day facilities house schools and day schools by parents among which are:
Adequate attention given to the student in school programmes, little or no parental influence or interference on t he running of the school and high degree or moral standard on the part of the students.
1.2            Statement of the Problem
Economics as a major subject requires a lot of time to be devoted in order to master it.  However when referring to the performance of many students who offer this subjects in the school, relatively few students are successful.  Urban secondary school students are at a advantage in their school work than the rural school students, the researches would find out the determinates of this variable in the performance of urban and rural secondary school student by using Economics as a subjects.
It is pertinent to note that many researches have been carried out and findings indicate that there is variation in the performance of urban and rural secondary schools.
And this has been attributed to lack of social amenities, uneven distribution of staff within the schools and the nature of the syllabus.
At this point it becomes relevant to ask the question: what are actually the causes of this variation in performance between the urban and rural secondary schools students in addressing this question other important ones also come reading to mind.
·                    Are secondary schools in rural and urban areas of Akure North and Akure South local government areas poor staffed?
·                    Are there social amenities and good roads in the rural and urban areas of these two local government area councils?
·                    Are there enough professional qualified teachers in rural and urban areas of these two local government areas?
·                    Are student interested in the subject.  Economics? In the light of the above it is necessary for the researcher to investigate how this assertions were made.
1.3            Objective of the study
The main objective of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis on the teaching and learning of economics in Akure North/South local government area of Ondo State.  Other specific objectives are to:
i.                        Examine experiences of teaching staff in the secondary of both urban and rural areas.
ii.                        Analysis the teachers qualification to determine the quality of performance in both urban and rural schools.
iii.                        Examine the quality of teaching aids in the teaching of Economics.
iv.                        Determine the variation of teaching facilities in the urban and rural secondary schools in the local government.
Out solutions to these numerous problems.  Which will inturn help to the educational policy maker of this nation and the state in particular to improve the performance of students in Economics and to facilitate learning and teaching of Economics in Secondary schools.

1.4            Research Questions
1)                Can the years of experience of teachers affect the teaching of Economics
2)                Is Economics teacher’s qualification determinant of student understanding of the subject?
3)                Does the availability of modern Economics textbooks in t he school library enhance the students understanding of the subject?
4)                Is there any variation in the availability of learning and instructional materials for teaching Economics in rural and urban secondary schools?
1.5            Significance of the study
The survey is aimed at examining the opinion which says that urban secondary schools students are better academically in all subjects than rural secondary school student.
1.6            Scope of the study
There are many variables which contribute to the students performance at school these are the immediate environment, the education level of parents, teachers qualification, library equipment’s etc All these variables may not be examined due to some constraints.  The researcher will select some important ones among those factors.

1.7            Definition of Terms
Rural Areas: is a small community where there are no industries and ministries and where most of the social amenities are lacking.  It is mostly occupied by the indigenous.
Urban Areas: This is over crowded with ministries and industries and the population is very high.  There are also adequate social amenities available there.  The occupants are a combination of indigenes and foreigners.
Comparative: Connected with studying things to find out how similar or different they are it also expresses more in amount degree or quality.
Performance: It is the act or process of performing a task and action within the stipulated period.


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