Background to the study
Microteaching as an essential part of formal education training for teachers has its objectives which include enabling teacher trainees gain confidence in teaching by mastering a number of skills on a smaller group of students; providing teacher-trainees with an environment for practice-based teaching and through this instil some self-evaluative skills. The objectives of microteaching reveal that it is a field or branch of teacher education essential for teachers in training because through it, they imbibe the qualities of effective teaching, avoid mistakes often made by teachers and equip themselves with adequate mastery skills and techniques of good teaching.
In micro teaching, teacher candidates find opportunities to develop skills in drawing learners’ attention, asking questions, using and managing time effectively and bringing the lesson to a conclusion. Also, through microteaching, the teachers’ class management skills improve. They acquire the skills to choose appropriate learner activities, use teaching goals, and overcome difficulties encountered during the process. During learner learning, on the other hand, the teacher candidates improve their skills in giving feedback and measurement and evaluation. Furthermore, by observing the presentation of their friends they find a chance to observe and evaluate different teaching strategies (Abdurrahman, 2010).
Microteaching helps to develop skills to prepare lesson plans, choose teaching goals, speak in front of a group, and to ask questions and use evaluation techniques. Teachers’ self confidence grows in a comfortable environment. It provides an opportunity to learn multiple skills that are important for teaching in a short time. It is a useful experience to learn how to realize teaching goals through planning a model lesson. It shows how preparation, organization, and presentation are important in learners’ learning. Choosing activities, putting them in a logical order, maintaining improvement make it possible to become a whole with the content. Receiving immediate feedback is a means to determine productivity and using teaching strategies. By asking appropriate questions strong learning environment can be established. Also, it allows for asking questions at various difficulty levels. Also, it makes it possible to create an environment that involves thinking differently and interaction (Gee, 1992).
The stages of microteaching consist of pre-observation, observation note taking, analysis-strategy, viewing the tape and self- evaluation of teacher candidate stages (Abdurrahman, 2010).
Statement of the problem
The teacher is assumed to be ‘everything’ to the learner as well as the character model to the society, as it is commonly expected, his training must be such that not only comprehensive but well articulated. Such training must be based on sound conceptual understanding and reasoning that have been developed within the matrix of practice and experience.
The aim of the microteaching practice research is to prepare students teachers better by themselves in teaching practice lesson. As a result of the process of preparation, Students Teachers prepare and present the lesson with less anxiety and feeling comfortable are the feelings that are expected to be observed in the class. The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of micro teaching practices on the students teachers performance in teaching practice in college of education, ikere ekiti
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to find out the impact of Microteaching Skills on Student Teachers’ performance in Teaching Practice in Colleges of Education Ikere Ekiti.
This study is aimed at:
To provide proper guide to the research work, the following research questions would be answered:
The study will be of great importance to all education stakeholders and education generally in Nigerian society. The segments of the society that will benefit directly from the study are: student teachers, teacher educators, curriculum experts, decision makers in education and other stakeholders.
Student teachers who are the main target of the study and who are directly connected with the study will be afforded the opportunity to master all the skills inherent in teaching in a laboratory environment before actual classroom experience. It is also essential to investigate the impacts microteaching skills have on the performance of Students Teachers so as to improve on the organization of microteaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education. Student teachers will be acquainted with the importance of microteaching and the roles of each skill in preparing professional, effective, reflective, visionary and vibrant teachers.
In addition, the teacher educators (lecturers) will benefit from the findings of the study. This is because detecting the impact of official and unofficial microteaching skills on student teachers’ performance will improve the conduct, organization and evaluation of microteaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education. The educators can use the findings of the study as an indispensable tool for creating rating scales for student teachers during practicum.
Furthermore, the findings of this study will be of great help to curriculum experts who will be equipped with first-hand information on the impact microteaching skills have on student teachers’ performance in teaching practice. The curriculum experts can use the findings of the study for teacher training programs, syllabus design, improvement of teaching methods and instructional materials utilization. The experts will be able to update the curriculum of teacher education to suit the needs, aspirations and interest of the student teachers and the general public
Moreover, the findings of this study will be of benefit to the government and authorities in charge of teacher education especially the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE). The findings of the study will determine whether NCCE will increase the number of microteaching skills in the minimum standard to cover more skills or not. The importance of acquisition of the skills can make NCCE to increase the credit load of 1 unit allotted to EDU 213 and EDU 223 each in the new minimum standard to 2 credits respectively. This will increase the hours spent on both theory and practicum which can encourage student teachers more in the two courses.
Scope of the Study
The population of the study comprised of all student teachers in Colleges of education Ikere EKiti . The sample was made up of one hundred and fifty students teachers in their second and third year programme from Colleges of Educations Ikere Ekiti.
Operational Definition of Terms
Micro teaching: This is a course offered by students at teacher training programme mostly before teahing practice exercise in which a student teacher’s teaching is videotaped or monitored for subsequent evaluation.
Teaching practice: This is a practice teaching mostly offered by student teachers in order to familiarize them with teaching profession. Teaching practice is meant to provide practical teaching experience for would be teacher.
Pre-service teacher: A pre-service teacher is a student teacher who has not yet completed training to be a teacher.
Pre-service teacher education: is the education and training provided to student teachers before they are certified as teachers.
Colleges of Education: This is one of the tripods of tertiary education in Nigeria and it has the primary role of training teacher who will be awarded the minimum teaching qualification of Nigerian Certificate of Education (NCE).
Impact: this is the efficacy of Microteaching on pre-service teacher’s preparation.
Impact: this is the efficacy of Microteaching on pre-service teacher’s preparation.
importance of microteaching in a teacher training institution
relevance of micro teaching to teacher education
advantages of micro teaching
concept of micro teaching
difference between micro teaching and macro teaching
Background to the study
Microteaching as an essential part of formal education training for teachers has its objectives which include enabling teacher trainees gain confidence in teaching by mastering a number of skills on a smaller group of students; providing teacher-trainees with an environment for practice-based teaching and through this instil some self-evaluative skills. The objectives of microteaching reveal that it is a field or branch of teacher education essential for teachers in training because through it, they imbibe the qualities of effective teaching, avoid mistakes often made by teachers and equip themselves with adequate mastery skills and techniques of good teaching.
In micro teaching, teacher candidates find opportunities to develop skills in drawing learners’ attention, asking questions, using and managing time effectively and bringing the lesson to a conclusion. Also, through microteaching, the teachers’ class management skills improve. They acquire the skills to choose appropriate learner activities, use teaching goals, and overcome difficulties encountered during the process. During learner learning, on the other hand, the teacher candidates improve their skills in giving feedback and measurement and evaluation. Furthermore, by observing the presentation of their friends they find a chance to observe and evaluate different teaching strategies (Abdurrahman, 2010).
Microteaching helps to develop skills to prepare lesson plans, choose teaching goals, speak in front of a group, and to ask questions and use evaluation techniques. Teachers’ self confidence grows in a comfortable environment. It provides an opportunity to learn multiple skills that are important for teaching in a short time. It is a useful experience to learn how to realize teaching goals through planning a model lesson. It shows how preparation, organization, and presentation are important in learners’ learning. Choosing activities, putting them in a logical order, maintaining improvement make it possible to become a whole with the content. Receiving immediate feedback is a means to determine productivity and using teaching strategies. By asking appropriate questions strong learning environment can be established. Also, it allows for asking questions at various difficulty levels. Also, it makes it possible to create an environment that involves thinking differently and interaction (Gee, 1992).
The stages of microteaching consist of pre-observation, observation note taking, analysis-strategy, viewing the tape and self- evaluation of teacher candidate stages (Abdurrahman, 2010).
Statement of the problem
The teacher is assumed to be ‘everything’ to the learner as well as the character model to the society, as it is commonly expected, his training must be such that not only comprehensive but well articulated. Such training must be based on sound conceptual understanding and reasoning that have been developed within the matrix of practice and experience.
The aim of the microteaching practice research is to prepare students teachers better by themselves in teaching practice lesson. As a result of the process of preparation, Students Teachers prepare and present the lesson with less anxiety and feeling comfortable are the feelings that are expected to be observed in the class. The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of micro teaching practices on the students teachers performance in teaching practice in college of education, ikere ekiti
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to find out the impact of Microteaching Skills on Student Teachers’ performance in Teaching Practice in Colleges of Education Ikere Ekiti.
This study is aimed at:
- Determing the impact of micro teaching practice on students teachers performance
- Investigating the adequacy level of micro teaching Students Teachers are exposed to.
- Investigating the extent to which microteaching has influenced instructional delivery of Students Teachers in the teaching practice exercise
- Suggesting possible ways of improving microteaching to enhance pre-service teacher’s performance
To provide proper guide to the research work, the following research questions would be answered:
- What are the impact of micro teaching on students teachers performance in teaching practice
- What is the level of adequacy of microteaching Students Teachers are exposed to in the Colleges of Education Ikere Ekiti?
- To what extent has the microteaching influenced instructional delivery of Students Teachers in the teaching practice exercise?
- How can microteaching be improved to enhance pre-service teacher’s preparation?
The study will be of great importance to all education stakeholders and education generally in Nigerian society. The segments of the society that will benefit directly from the study are: student teachers, teacher educators, curriculum experts, decision makers in education and other stakeholders.
Student teachers who are the main target of the study and who are directly connected with the study will be afforded the opportunity to master all the skills inherent in teaching in a laboratory environment before actual classroom experience. It is also essential to investigate the impacts microteaching skills have on the performance of Students Teachers so as to improve on the organization of microteaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education. Student teachers will be acquainted with the importance of microteaching and the roles of each skill in preparing professional, effective, reflective, visionary and vibrant teachers.
In addition, the teacher educators (lecturers) will benefit from the findings of the study. This is because detecting the impact of official and unofficial microteaching skills on student teachers’ performance will improve the conduct, organization and evaluation of microteaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education. The educators can use the findings of the study as an indispensable tool for creating rating scales for student teachers during practicum.
Furthermore, the findings of this study will be of great help to curriculum experts who will be equipped with first-hand information on the impact microteaching skills have on student teachers’ performance in teaching practice. The curriculum experts can use the findings of the study for teacher training programs, syllabus design, improvement of teaching methods and instructional materials utilization. The experts will be able to update the curriculum of teacher education to suit the needs, aspirations and interest of the student teachers and the general public
Moreover, the findings of this study will be of benefit to the government and authorities in charge of teacher education especially the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE). The findings of the study will determine whether NCCE will increase the number of microteaching skills in the minimum standard to cover more skills or not. The importance of acquisition of the skills can make NCCE to increase the credit load of 1 unit allotted to EDU 213 and EDU 223 each in the new minimum standard to 2 credits respectively. This will increase the hours spent on both theory and practicum which can encourage student teachers more in the two courses.
Scope of the Study
The population of the study comprised of all student teachers in Colleges of education Ikere EKiti . The sample was made up of one hundred and fifty students teachers in their second and third year programme from Colleges of Educations Ikere Ekiti.
Operational Definition of Terms
Micro teaching: This is a course offered by students at teacher training programme mostly before teahing practice exercise in which a student teacher’s teaching is videotaped or monitored for subsequent evaluation.
Teaching practice: This is a practice teaching mostly offered by student teachers in order to familiarize them with teaching profession. Teaching practice is meant to provide practical teaching experience for would be teacher.
Pre-service teacher: A pre-service teacher is a student teacher who has not yet completed training to be a teacher.
Pre-service teacher education: is the education and training provided to student teachers before they are certified as teachers.
Colleges of Education: This is one of the tripods of tertiary education in Nigeria and it has the primary role of training teacher who will be awarded the minimum teaching qualification of Nigerian Certificate of Education (NCE).
Impact: this is the efficacy of Microteaching on pre-service teacher’s preparation.
Impact: this is the efficacy of Microteaching on pre-service teacher’s preparation.
importance of microteaching in a teacher training institution
relevance of micro teaching to teacher education
advantages of micro teaching
concept of micro teaching
difference between micro teaching and macro teaching