Title page                                       i
Approval page                               ii
Certification                                   iii
Dedication                                      iv
Acknowledgements                       v
Table of contents                           vi
List of Tables                                   vii
Abstract                                          viii
I                                INTRODUCTION
     Background of the study
Statement of problem
   Purpose of the study
     Significance of the study
      Delimitation of the study
                                          Research question
       Assumptions of the study

II                                          REVIEW OF LITERATURE
III                                         METHODOLOGY
                                             Research design
                                             Area of study
      Population of the study
                Instrument for data collection
             Validation of the instrument
      Data analysis technique
IV                            PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA
   Implication of the study
            Suggestion for further research
List of Tables

This study investigated the influence of ICT on effective teaching and learning Biology in Ekiti state secondary school based on extensive of literature review some research questions were formulated to guide the investigation. Relevant data were collected through questionnaire which consist of two forms questionnaire for teachers and students. The data was collected from 150 students and 10 Biology teachers in FIVE Secondary schools in Ado local Government area of Ekiti State. The dates were analysed using sample percentage.
The Data were analysed using sample percentage. The result showed that ICT instructional materials which are inadequate or not available at all in the schools, contributed to the success of students in teaching and learning biology. Based on the findings it was recommended that Ekiti state ministry of education should provide functional resource centers in each local government area of Ekiti state. Also, there should be provision of ICT training programmes for Biology teachers to enhance skills in improvisation. Furthermore, the government should provide facilities and instructional materials for training Biology teachers in Ekiti state secondary schools.

Background of the Study
The role of technology in teaching and learning is rapidly becoming one of the most important and widely discussed issues in contemporary education policy (Rosen and Well, 1995; and the theier; 2007.
According to Osin, L. (1998), define computer is an electronics device that accept data as input and processes data to give as input and processes data to give information as an output. Milton (1957) defined education as a complete and generous process which fits a man to perform justly, skilfully and magnanimously in all the offices both public and private. The meaning of ICT is Information Communication Technologies. Most experts in the field are education agreed that, when properly used, information and communication technology (ICT) hold great promise to improve teaching and learning in addition to shaping work force opportunities. Poole (1996) has indicated that computer illiteracy is now regarded as the new illiteracy. This has actually gingered a new and strong desire to equip school with computer facilities and qualified personal necessary to produce technologically proficient and efficient students in developed countries of the world. There is no doubt that computer can aid the instructional process and facilitate students learning. Many studies have found positive effect associated with technology aided instruction (Burnett, 1994, and Fitzgerald and Warner, 1996).
In the more advanced industrialized nation, there has been a staggering amount of research and publication related to ICT use for educational purpose during the past decade. Today, nearly, everyone in the industrialized nations gained access to ICT and the purchase of computers for school use in such nations as the United States has been increasing in such a pace that is difficult to keep track of how many computer machines are now in American schools (Harper, 1987). Becker (1986) reported a comprehensive survey of the instructional uses of computer in United State public and non-public schools. The report also says half-a million teacher used computers during the same period and that half of its secondary school (about 1ss 6,500 schools) owned 15 or more computers. Also over 7500 elementary schools owned 15 or more computer. It has been almost two decade since the figures quoted above were released.
In Britain, the story is the same as the wider availability of computer in schools was made possible through government funding largely through the local education Authorities (LEA).
Visscher et al (2003) reported that following the education Reform Act in 1998, the central government made available and 325million, over time, to promote the use of computer in school administration and management. Just as the United States and Britain have been budgeting huge sum of money for Cyber education, so have other developed nations been doing same. In Africa, concerted efforts have been made by many governments to initiate internet connectivity and technology training programs. Such program in the schools around the world that in order to improve education enhances cultural understanding and develop skills that youths need for securing jobs in 21st century. In Uganda (Carlson) and Firpo (2001) in Senegal, teachers and students are using computers extensively as information tools. These programs in African countries mentioned are supported by their government through the ministries of education.
In a rapidly changing world of global market competition, automation and increasing democratization, basic education is necessary of an individual to have the capacity and capability and apply information. Such ability and capability must find bearing information and communication technology in the global village. The economic commission for Africa has indicated that the ability to access and effectively utilize information is no longer a luxury but a necessity for development. Unfortunately, many developing countries especially in Africa are already on the wrong side of digital divide in the educational use of ICT.
Information and communication technology is a canopy term that includes any communication devices or application, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software. However, technology is how people modify the natural world to suit their own purposes and in improving the teaching and learning in Biology.
Statement of the Problems
Obviously; methods have changed from what it used to be of course greater height can be achieved today with the use of information communication technology for teaching biology. One of the most current trends is the use of internet facilities for teaching Biology.
This study is therefore, meant to identify whether the effective use of ICT in teaching and learning of biology is relevant or not.
The aims of the study shall include the following;
1.     To investigate the effective of ICT in facilitating academics performance of students in Biology in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State Secondary School.
2.     To examine whether schools with available ICT facilities perform better in their senior secondary school certificate examination (SSCE) mostly in Biology, than school lacking such facilities.
3.     To investigate whether school have adequate supply and use of necessary media facilities for effective teaching and learning of Biology in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti state secondary.
4.     To determine whether the supply of ICT materials for effective learning of Biology will be necessary for the achievement of Ekiti State standard
The importance of the study shall include the following:
1.     It makes the student to know the importance of ICT and thereby enticing them to learn at almost level.
2.     It will be useful for the student by exposing them to the great benefit of ICT and this will promote their interest in the teaching and learning of Biology.
3.     It will encourage the government to provide quality ICT facilities in all secondary school for better teaching and learning.
Delimitation of the study
This research work will limit the study to selected secondary school in the Ado-Ekiti local government area of Ekiti State.
Research questions
1. What is the level of computer literacy of students and teachers?
2. Students and teachers perception of ICT materials used in school?
3. What factors hinder effective use of ICT in ekiti state secondary schools?
4. What is the benefit of using ICT in teaching and learning Biology?
HO1: There is no significant difference between students provided with ICT facilities and student not provided with ICT facilities in promoting teaching and learning in Biology.
HO2: There is no significant difference in the influence of ICT on the learning of biology by student who learn with ICT and those who learn without ICT
HO3: There is no significant difference in the academic performance of students who is provided with ICT facilities and students not provided with facilities.
Assumptions of the study
In underestimating this research the following assumptions are made since ICT is being collaborated with are science study, which make it different from other science subject, the biology students encounter some problems in the use of ICT to solve some Biological problems.
The study of ICT is understandable if adequate provision of ICT facilities in every classroom as well as many offices in the educational Parastatals.
Using computer as priority for the study of all science study especially in study of Biology, adequate training and orientation must be given to both Teachers and students of biology which proper emphasis must be laid on the importance ICT facilities in educational aids.
Reduction of classroom overpopulation and reduce the number of students per class can aid understanding of Biology by using ICT in explaining the study of Biology.



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