Title page
Table of contents
List of tables
Background to the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Delimitation of the study
Definition of terms
Meaning of police force
Origin of police force and History of the Nigeria police
Administration/Organizational structure of Nigeria police
General duties of the Nigeria police force.
The perception of the public towards the Nigeria police
Research Design
Population of the study
Sample and Sampling Technique
Administration of the instrument
Data Analysis

          This research was carried out to investigate the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force.  In order to collect relevant data, a questionnaire was designed and administered on a sample of 120 people randomly selected in Ikere local government area of Ekiti State.  Data collected were analyzed using percentage score.  The findings revealed that, corruption, fear, harassment, police effort and public participation affect police force operation as well as public participation on crime prevention.  Based on the above findings, it was therefore concluded that, members of the public should be enlightened about police on how they discharge their duties in order to foster police – public mutual understanding and police too should also be enlightened and reminded of their primary duties to the citizenry.

TABLE 1: Is there any relationship between corruption and police effectiveness
TABLE 2: Is there any relationship between fear of police by public and crime prevention.
TABLE 3: Is there any relationship between corruption and crime prevention
TABLE 4: Is there any relationship between harassment of people by police and maintenance of law and order.
TABLE 5: Is there any relationship between police effort and public participation in crime prevention.

Background of the study
          It is a common practice by the people of any nation in the would to try to find remedy to anything that stand as an obstacle to human peaceful existence.
Crime is a universal problem and this has aroused the consciousness of many people towards finding solution to reducing crime rate if it could not be completely eradicated.  For the purpose of eradicating or reducing crime, the body known as police force was constituted in England from where the organization was later copied by every nation of the world.
The police force is simply defined in relation to the nature and functions of its establishment, Oyemowo (2015) defines police as:
The civil force of a state responsible for maintaining public law and orders, it keep order in control it is man and woman who belong to department of a government, charged or concerned with keeping of law and order.
The vitality of the presence of police force in Nigeria or in any nation of the world could not be denigrated simply because of the function performed by the police force in terms of maintaining laws and order in order to sustain a condusive environment for the citizenry of such nation.  The police manual (1976) stated the functions in full as: the prevention and detection of crime, the protection of life and properly, the control and regulation of traffic, the due enforcement of laws and regulative with which they are directly charged, the preservation of laws and order and the performance of such military duties within or outside Nigeria as may be required of them under the authority of the police Act or any other Act.
Before it finally metamorphosis into Nigeria police force in 1930, it had existed under different values in area where the European were colonized before the southern and Northern protectorate were amalgamated in 1914. Tamuno 1970 said that:
The force took the name consular Guard in 1861 and in 1863, the force was known as Hausa constabulary which was charged to Lagos constabulary of 1886.
All the bodies mentioned above were created for the purpose of maintaining laws and orders, each of the respective place.  If there is no any organization having the responsibility of maintaining laws and orders in Nigeria, the country would have been taken over by anarchy which would have been perpetrated by the men of the under worlds or criminal.  Thus Oyemoro (2015) said that:
“If police could be off duty for forty eight hours, public would not be able to bear the havoc that would be wrought by men of the underworld.
The above submission shows how important police force is to the society.  Despite the unique role being played by the police force in Nigeria, people still have perception towards the force.  Many people have been conscious of this perception which they indicate through their writing and their words. Oyewowo (2015) said:
“Public regard police as enemy and look on policemen with contempt ampohere”.
This perception of public towards the Nigeria police force is indicated through the acting of members of the public towards the Nigeria police and women.  Thus, Nigeria Tribune of February 7, 1998 has this as one of its heedlines: “five arrested over kinmap of policemen”.  All those words and writings quoted above with the personal observation of the relationship between members of the public and the policemen by this researcher had convinced the researcher that police force of Nigeria is facing a strong perception by the public.
Public has been talking bad of police force because policemen are highly corrupt set of people, aiding aid abetting criminals, incivility to members of the public, using force to obtain statement from people, killing innocent citizens whenever there is not as unlawful assembly.  Therefore, the researcher has decided to carry out investigation on the problem as the perception of the members of the public has caused untold hardship on the entire citizenry.
Statement of the Problem
The problem of this study is to investigate the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force which is supposed to be the protective organization that all people should embrace.  The importance of the police cannot be over – emphasized in the smooth running of any nation of the world.  The duties of the Nigeria police force as stated in the police manual 1976 are: people still have reservation about police activities.  The prevention and detection of crime; the apprehension of offender, the due enforcement of laws and regulations which they are directly, charge, the performs of such military duties within or outside Nigeria as may be required of them by or under the authority of police Act or any Act and control and regulation of traffic.  Despite the unique role being played by the police in Nigeria and in Ikere local government in particular.
Do members of the Nigeria police force contribute to the causes of the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force?
Do members of the public contribute to the cause of the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police?
Does the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force affect the Nigeria.

Research Question
1)                Is there any relationship between corruption and police effectiveness?
2)                Is there any relationship between fear of police by public and crime prevention?
3)                Is there any relationship between corruption and crime prevention?
4)                Is there any relationship between harassment of people by police and maintenance of law and order?
5)                Is there any relationship between police effort and public participation in crime prevention?
Research Hypotheses
1)                There is no relationship between corruption and police effectiveness
2)                There is no relationship between fear of police by public and crime prevention.
3)                There is no relationship between corruption and crime prevention.
4)                There is no relationship between harassment of people by police and maintenance of law and order.
5)                There is no relationship between police effort and public participation in crime prevention.
Police as an organization
          Does the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police affect the Nigeria police force operation.
          Does the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police affect individual members of the police force.
Does the perception of the public toward the Nigeria police affect member of the society.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force in Ikere – Ekiti local government area of Ekiti State.  The study would find out the reasons for the perception and suggest ways of improving the perception of the public towards the police force.

Significance of the study
This study is significant as it could reveal the cause and effect of the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force.  The study could encourage the re – onentation of the public as that the public would change it’s perception towards the Nigeria police force, hence the public would be able to appreciate the role played by the Nigeria police force.
The study could further reveal the contributions of the members of the police force to the perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force.
Finally, the study could serve as peace setter for those who would to make further research on the similar problem in future.
Delimitation of the study
This study is restricted to Ikere – Ekiti local government area of Ekiti State. Members of the police force and public were included in the study because the study will be carried out based on the relationship between them and to solve the problem of perception of the public towards the Nigeria police force because poor perception of the public towards the police has reduced the relationship between police and public on crime prevention and does not allow the due process of law to lake it normal cause.
Poor perception has also bring about chaos and increase crime rate in the society.
Definition of terms
Commands as used in the study means a territory or jurisdiction under the supervision, control and the administration of a superior police officer. Thus, we have area command otherwise known as force Headquarters, headed by inspector general of police.  He have zonal command or zonal Headquarter which involve division of nation zone which comprises of many state under the supervision of Assistant inspector general at police.  We also have state command headed by commissioner of police at the state level.  Finally, we have area command headed by Assistant commissioner of police and this involves division of state into zone.
Area command comprises of many local government councils and police Division Headquarters.
A Beast is the area which a particular constable is detailed to patrol in order to achieve crime prevention role of police force.
Superior Officer(s)
Begin(s) from the rank of inspector general of police to the rank of Assistant superintendent of police.
Rank and file
Begin(s) from the rank of constable to the rank sergeant
Public in this sense means all citizens of Nigeria in general be it traders, farmers, Business man, politicians and ordinary layman (expect policemen) irrespective of stratification.


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