Background to the Study

Research on teaching methods has for long been of interest to educationists. However, some studies have been carried out on certain aspects of the programme but have not investigated the academic performance of secondary schools level of education in the use of some specific teaching methods.

Research evidence shows that the challenges confronting the secondary school teachers are basically on the methods of imparting the knowledge. It was argued by Adufe (2008) that teaching is based on methods which at the long run bring about effective teaching. Teaching, according to Oladipo and Ayeni (2000) involves bringing about or at least facilitating desirable changes in learners. However, effective teaching requires the teacher to step out of the realm of personal experience and step into the world of the learners. (Brown, 1997). It is the learner who must be engage for learning to occur, the learner is the one who must take the commitment to learn.

Instruction is the transmission to the learner and the acquisition by him on specific skills, information, knowledge or other established data. The mode of instruction or teaching applied in achieving these objectives is referred to as method. Methodology therefore, refers to the processes and techniques a teacher of either  uses to transmit facts, skills, information and knowledge to the learners so as to facilitate the accomplishment of the set objectives.

Research evidence shows that the major problem in the secondary schools is the method of imparting knowledge. To this Adepoju(2006) revealed the difficulties children ofsome ages (usually nursery and primary level) encountered when they areinstructed using verbal approach. This is also confirmed as the studycarried out in Nigeria by Busari (1991) revealed that the method presentlyemployed in teaching, in most of  secondary schools is inadequateor not effective.

It is of a necessity that a skillful teacher needs to be conversant with various teaching strategies which may be applied to subjects at different class situations. Adufe (2008) affirms that many methods of teaching exist in education and these methods are meant to make teacher succeed in their bid to disseminate knowledge.

However, the success in the use of any method differs as a result ofan intelligent analysis of the objectives, the pupils in class, the curriculum content or the type of subject matter.

Also, the impact of any teaching method is not only limited to the conditions surrounding the teaching but also the advantages and the disadvantages of a particular method in a particular situation should not be left out.


Methodology is very vital in any teaching/learning situation. The method adopted by the teacher may promote or hinder learning. It may sharpen mental activities which are the bases of social power or may discourage initiatives and curiosity thus making self-reliance and survival difficult Ameh, Dantani [2014]. The way a teacher presents subject matter to learners may make them like or dislike the subject. It has also been reported by Mtsem [2005] that teaching method affects the responses of students and determines whether they are interested, motivated and involved in a lesson in such a way as to engage in good learning. What constitutes good teaching and learning of school subjects is the use of appropriate  method of teaching. Ogunniyi [2011] asserted that one of the most persistent and compelling problems besetting academic achievement in Nigeria is poor quality of teaching.

There exists a number of teaching methods for teachers to use. They include: lecture, discussion, demonstration, laboratory, individualized instructional, field-trip, peer-teaching methods and so on.  

The primary purpose of teaching at any level of education is to bring a fundamental change in the learner (Tebabal & Kahssay, 2011). To facilitate the process of knowledge transmission, teachers should apply appropriate teaching methods that best suit specific objectives and level exit outcomes. In the traditional epoch, many teaching practitioners widely applied teacher-centered methods to impart knowledge to learners comparative to student-centered methods. Until today, questions about the effectiveness of teaching methods on student learning have consistently raised considerable interest in the thematic field of educational research (Hightower 2011).  As a result of this, the study on the comparative study of some teaching methods and its effects on the academic performance of students in secondary school  worth pursuing. It is hoped that the results ofthis study will provide evidence as to the nature of three basic teaching method virtually used in  secondary schools (Discussion, demonstration and simulation method) and their distinctive approach towards the achievement of  students in secondary school level

Statement of the Problem

Many methods of teaching exist in education. All the strategies are meant to make teachers succeed in their bid to disseminate knowledge. However, little are considered on some factors that are necessary before selecting the appropriate method. Also the methods used in teaching the young ones are not effective for their teaching and learning and this negate their academic performance.

Though teachers with high morale, motivation and a mastery of knowledge, learner difficulties and capacity to facilitate learning are important, correct use of an appropriate teaching method is critical to successful teaching and learning. Knowledge of how teaching methods affect students' learning may help educators to select methods that improve teaching quality, effectiveness, and accountability to learners and the public.  However, little are considered on some factors that are necessary before selecting the appropriate method. Also the methods used in teaching the of secondary school are not effective for their teaching and learning and this negate their academic performance. It on this note the research intend to investigate the relationship between teaching method and academic performance of secondary school students in Akure south local government area of Ondo state

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study  is to investigate the relationship between teaching method and academic performance of secondary school students in  Akure South Local Government Area.

 The specific objective are

1.      To determine the  factors needed to be considered before  selecting a particular teaching method

2.      To investigate the effect of  teaching method  on students academic performance

3.      Find out if  there any difference between students taught using laboratory practical approach, and those taught using demonstration method

4.      Find out if gender influence students academic performance in secondary school

Research Questions

1.      What are the factors needed to be considered before the selection of a particular teaching method?

2.      What the effect of  teaching method  on students academic performance?  

3.      Is there any difference between students taught using laboratory practical approach, and those taught using demonstration method?

4.      To what extend does gender influence students academic performance in secondary school?

Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses will be formulated to be tested at p=0.05 level of significance:

1.      There is no significant difference between the mean pretest scores of  students taught using laboratory practical approach, and those taught using demonstration method.

2.      There is no significant difference between the mean post-test scores of  students taught using laboratory practical approach, and those taught using demonstration method.

3.      There is no significant difference between the mean posttest scores of male and female   students taught using laboratory practical approach, and those taught using demonstration method.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

            The study investigates the relationship between teaching method and students academic performance in secondary schools in Akure south local government area of Ondo state. Secondary schools teachers in the public secondary schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State will be use. The study will focus on two types of teaching method which are, demonstration,  and laboratory methods of teaching chemistry

Significance of the Study

The finding of this study will be of benefit to the teachers, students and curriculum planners. The study critically discusses extensively the relationship between teaching method on students academic performance in secondary school

                   This finding will help the students who have lost hope in doing well in   that all hope is not lost as they can still understand the subject by improvement in teaching methods used by their teachers. The report of this study will go a long way to help the students and teachers to understand the benefit in using two  teaching methods and the qualities of an effective teacher, the study will also help the active teacher, it will guide the government to see the need of employing qualified teachers and retraining of the teachers, the curriculum planners on the planning and development of the curriculum and so on. The teachers will benefit since the study will help them to understand the appropriate methods of teaching to be employed in carrying out their duties. The curriculum planners will get usfull information that will enable them improve in their planning of curriculum.

It is hope that this  study will help the    teachers to make correction in the method they employed in teaching and learning of students in Nigeria.  

 Operational Definition of Terms

Activity: This is student-centered teaching-learning approach, where the student has some control over the process and directs more or less the instructional activities with the teacher providing adequate guidance.

Teaching method: It is a teaching device or strategy adopted by a teacher to teach a lesson, this includes the use of games, text books etc. that stimulates learning.

Academic performance: Learning outcome or output in students taught government which results from teaching techniques/methods the teacher adopts.

Effect: Outcome of result of using appropriate teaching method on students as measured by government performance test.



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